☯The 13th May☯ {PART 1}

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(12th May 2019, 1 month 1 day before the kidnap of Carmen)

After waking up, Casey freshen up herself and looked at the notes. Remembering what happened yesterday slightly crept her. Though she has gone through so many struggles as well as almost losing her life, she did not realize her hearing was getting slightly worse. When she thought back on how the rope was at her neck, if she did not react fast to it, she might have lost her life. She walked into Diego's room to confront him but his room was empty.

She tried calling him but the line did not go through. She tried calling him through his mobile but nothing went on. She thought of calling Mr. Rylan but then she came to a conclusion that this is not how she would work.

"Maybe he has something on." she calmed herself and headed to her usual coffee shop.

As she entered, she was greeted by the cashier.

"Good morning, Anna. How are you doing this morning?"

"I've been great. The usual please. So, how are you, Burk?"

"Things have been going awesome here. So where is Carl?"

"He's out on some work I guess."

"Really? That is what he told you?" Burk looked at Casey curiously.

"Yeah. What happened?"

"He came here a few moments ago buying 2 cups of usual and I thought he was buying for you."

"He did? Maybe he was buying for his friend."

"Oh. Alright then. Hold on a moment, I will get your usual."

After having a chat with Burk and drinking her coffee, she went back home. She tried calling him but then there was no answer. She cleaned the house and looked back at the details of the case. She could feel that this case is going from one path to another and though it is linking to each other, somewhere or somehow it is not.

It was nightfall and her mind was still blank. She had no idea on how the case is going and Diego is still MIA, missing in action. She has gotten slightly worried and kept biting her nails. At one point she was worried that Three might have got to him. She kept trying to call his mobile but no answer. Not long later, she fell asleep through the worries that accumulate her head.

(13th May 2019, 1 month before the kidnap of Carmen)
"Do you know how worried I was?! I called you so many times and you didn't have the courtesy to return even 1 of it?" she cried at him.

"I am sorry. I was at Cynthia's place. We were having a moment. I was so caught up with her that I didn't think about calling you."

"Can you at least let me know your whereabouts? You were missing for more than a day and you just got back home. I was worried that Three might have kidnapped you." she glared at him as she hit his arms.

"I am sorry. I was enjoying my romantic moment. It's been months since I slept with a woman."


"Cynthia was good in bed. She was being gentle with me. We went on a few-"

"Shut up. I don't want to listen to it anymore, you disgusting psycho." she showed him a throw up gesture.

"Enough about me. What did you come up with in regards to Crystal Flower?"

"Someone was definitely there." said Casey while her fingers were rubbing her forehead.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now