☯The Return☯

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"Did you find her?" Mr Logan looked at John

"No, I searched for her everywhere. But she's nowhere to be seen." John was feeling anxious.

"Where could she be?"
he thought.

He tried reaching her through her mobile phone but was in vain. Her phone was switched off. Both he and his dad went to the town looking for her and asking around but neither any news nor any sight of her.

"Where could she be?" Mr Logan sighed in despair and sat on the chair beside him.

"I don't know dad. This morning when I went to call her to explain things to her, she was MIA from her room."

"Shit. What will I tell her dad when I see him in heaven?" mumbles Mr Logan.

"You shouldn't have left, Casey. You shouldn't have
," John shook his head.

(Last night)

"Miss, I need you to follow us to the police station," two cops at the door looked at Casey.

"May I know why?" Casey looked at John and backed at those cops with questions in her head.

"It is to identify the killer of your parents," one of them replied. Casey was speechless. She looked at John as her hand started to shake.

"Officer, can I come with her?" John intervened.

"You are?" the cop looked at him.

"Her fiancé."

The two of them looked at each other and thought for a second. "Yes, you may."

"Give us a few minutes, please. We will be there in 15 minutes."

"Alright." and the cops went back to their car and drove to the station.

"John..." Casey started to say.

"Shh. I know. I didn't mean to say as your fiancé, I just didn't have a choice but to say something to come with you. I can't let you go alone."

"What if..."

"Nothing will happen. I'm here with you."

Both of them wore a coat and John drove to the station. The officer brought them to a cell and showed them the killer. Casey stared at him, speechless. She looked at John and again to the killer.

"Why did you kill them?" she asked. Though she was shaking, she held up her courage and looked at him while stabilizing her tone.

"Your parents killed my sister."

"What?" she didn't understand.

"Few days before I killed your parents, they were driving at Harvey Road. My sister and I were back from movies. I was answering my call and she had started to cross over the road herself. That moment, I heard a loud noise and I saw my sister fly towards a distance while that car stopped there. Both of your parents came out looking around and talking to each other. Then they sat back in the car and drove off. I didn't know what to do. By the time I went to my sister, she was gone. SHE WAS GONE!!!"

"Just because it happened, that doesn't mean for you to kill both of them," Casey held the bar as she yelled at him, staring in disbelief.

"They didn't only kill my sister, there's more to it," he looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"What do you mean?" her brow furrowed.

"I reported to the police on this and even gave the number plate. They told me they would put them on bars but weeks passed nothing happened. I decided to face your parents straight to get this done. When I met them at your house, your father looked down at me, gave me a cold glare and smirked at me. He added, "Don't you dare to come here again looking for me. Either take the money and go away or just get lost with empty hands." I begged him. I asked him for justice but nothing came by. He even sent people to beat me up."

"Why should I believe you?" she squeezed the bars in her hands hard.

"After getting beaten, on my way back from the hospital, I saw your dad and the guy who hit me were having a chat. When I got closer to them I heard them talking. Your dad laughed with him and thanked him for beating me up. He even passed some cash to him. He told the guy that he hoped to kill me for this but then he decided to be lenient on me. Now, do you expect me to be happy about this? This is why I killed your parents."

"No... It can't be," Casey's eyes were wet, and she was staring blankly in disbelief.

She backed off a little and ran out of the place. She quickly went into the car ignoring the officer calling her. John talked to the officer and settled things out while Casey sat in the car, no idea how to absorb it all. Settled in the station, they drove back home. She got out of the car and slowly went into her room in silence. Clearing a few things, John followed Casey and hugged her. Not moments later, she cried out loud in his arms. All John could do was pat her on her head as she let her sorrow out.

He stayed beside her until she fell asleep and went back to his room. He couldn't bear seeing her crying. He realized that he loves her a lot since that day when he pinned her to the ground. He decided to keep her calm and tell her how he feels when the time comes. In the morning, he brought breakfast for her but when he opened the door, she was nowhere in sight. He left it in her room and searched around the place but couldn't find her.

"Shit. Where is she?" That's when he and his dad started looking for her all around the place.

"She's just 25. Where could've she gone? Did someone kidnap her or something?" Mr Logan became more worried.

"Dad! Stop making assumptions. We will find her," John told his father.

They went to the police to make a report for a missing person and searched all over the place but all were in vain.

"I know you will be back
, one day..." John said to himself.

(1 year later)

"Dad, I'm going to the market."

"It's only five, you're going early." As Mr Logan looked over his son while sipping his coffee.

"There are some things that are supposed to arrive today. I'm going over to receive them. They will arrive anytime soon."

John drove over to the market. Parked his car and went to the entrance. He tried to place the key inside but then the key slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. It was dark and he couldn't see where the key fell. As he kept looking around, he saw a hand coming out of the covers. Feeling curious, he turned over the cover and saw a woman lying unconscious with her face covered in blood and mud.

"Miss? Miss? Shit." he quickly dialed for an ambulance.

The ambulance arrived shortly and he followed it while passing the details of what job needed to be done to his dad. The woman was sent to the emergency. Not long later, a nurse informed him that she will be transferred to a room. He wanted to go back but he felt that he needed to know about the woman's condition. After a while, the doctor came and told him that he could see her but he must be careful because she had lost her memory and only remembered her childhood moments. She can't remember any recent events at all. Wanting to help her, he decided to ask her a few things. He walked into the room and stood beside her.


She slowly turned to him expressionless.

He thought as he became speechless.

To be continued...

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