☯The Dress☯

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It was pitch black. There was a cage look alike the corner of the room. A person was inside laid on the ground. A few moments passed and slowly the person in the cage groaned a little and slowly opened the eyes but couldn't see anything due to the pitch black. The person was scared and tried to feel the cage to see if there's an opening but couldn't feel any. All of a sudden, a dim light from the ceiling was on. A small water bottle was seen at the corner. The person quickly grabbed it and drank as much as they could. The sound of the door's latch opening was heard. The person quickly went to the edge of the cage and sat there quietly feeling scared as questions roamed around their head.

The door opened. A figure walked inside and faced the cage. The figure was wearing a gas mask. Breathing could be heard from the mask. The figure was wearing an isolation gown, fully covered with gloves and the gas mask. The figure walked to the cage and looked at the person inside as the figure tilted its' head from side to side.

"Who are you?" the person asked but the figure did not answer back.

The person noticed that at the center of the room there was a big table at hip height while at the other corner of the room was empty. Though it was unclear, there were able a few noticeable things on the table. Surgical instruments were seen hung up on the wall. The person looked back at the figure who was opening a box. Fear crept inside.

"Let me go. Please. What do you need?" the person begged but the figure just ignored them and continued to work.

Not long later, the figure turned to the person with a hammer in hand. The figure walked to the person and stared at them. As they exchanged looks, the figure raised the hammer and swung towards the person.

Days later in Casey's house.

"Honey! Wendy is here." Casey called for Diego from the entrance.

"Wendy who?" Diego asked from the kitchen.

"Wendy, our neighbour?" she looked at Wendy and smiled as she invited her inside.

"Oh! Coming!" Diego came out rushing without his shirt on.

Wendy looked at Diego in amusement. Casey looked at Wendy wondering why was she looking as if she's going to faint and turned to Diego. She knew what was going on. She walked towards Diego with a smiled and got closer to him.

"Better wear a shirt before she starts jumping on you."

"What?" Diego looked confused.

"Just do what I say." and pushed him inside the room.

Wendy is 18 years old and single, living with her parents and loves to party around. She was stunned to look at Diego because he has a good body sculpture that any girls would go ogling at. Best part Casey could guess was that Diego does love the attention of girls looking at his muscled arms and 8 packs abs which he loves to show off.

"Need any drinks?" Casey went to the kitchen as Wendy followed her.

"Tea please." Casey smiled and started to prepare it.

"So Wendy, how are your parents?"

"They're great. They wanted me to come over because they were having guest and said it's inappropriate for me to stay alone." Casey passed her the drinks and they sat at the table top together.

Diego came walking in and sat together with drinks in a mug.

"You have visitors. That is good to know." Diego smiled.

"Honey, did you know that Wendy is a cheerleader in her university? She does a very pretty full layout twist." Casey tried to hold her smirk towards Diego who seemed very interested.

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