☯The Change☯

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WARNING! There is mature content below. Just saying. Do bear with my poor writing on that.

"Any idea from here?" Diego looked at Casey as they went through the report and pictures.

"One thing I can conclude here is that the method Three has been using is still the same but this time it is changing course to a male."


As she looked through it, she realized that something must have triggered Three to change the course.

"Why do you think he did not change his method before?" he looked at her.

"It is slightly noticeable that he is sticking to his own method and hates changes. Confusing part is why is he doing all of this."

"What do you mean?"

"If you look into the pattern, the first victim of this month is a male. Carmen is kidnapped due to replace the 1 that we released last month."

"How did you get that?"

"Looking at psychologically, Three is not satisfied until he gets the number right. Remember the first reason why we names him Three?"

"Alright. That makes sense."

"The confusing part here is, did he start off with a male. What changed him to be interested in a male? Last but not least, why did he kidnap your niece?"

"If I find him, he is a dead meat."

His phone rang not long later. Looking at the caller, he placed it on speaker.

"Hey sis. Any news?"

"For now, there is none. Were you able to get any news on her?"

"We are trying to. Cutting to the chase. Did Carmen attended any summer camp before?"

"No she did not. The only thing she attended was a debate competition which she said she lost it."

"Debate? Since when is she interested in debating?"

"She said she did not want us to worry about her. Due to that, she hid the fact about she competing in the debating."

"Thank you so much."

"Anyway, I have sent you a Whatsapp message containing her friends' number. Check it out if you can."

"Sure do. Take care sis." They hung up. Looking up at the list, Casey came over to a name that looked familiar.

"Diego, look at this name. Does it not look familiar?"

Diego looked at the list and he frowned to himself thinking about where he could have seen that name before.

"Where have I seen this name before?"
he thought.

Casey went around looking around her notes and came to the part of Adrian. Looking at it, Casey stood up in shock.

"EUREKA!" that took Diego into a big surprise.

"What the hell? Why did you scream?" he rubbed his chest for comfort.

"Cindy! It was Cindy!" she held his collar and shook him vigorously.

"What Cindy?"

"Cindy was Adrian's crush. Our first case, remember?"

Diego gave a thought back and realized that it was then he slumped back into his chair realizing that there was no way they could interrogate her.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now