every night she studies hard in her room,at least that's what her parents assume

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Come on, Nova. You gotta get up, go to class, get an education, I think to myself. Although I am so grateful to be attending an amazing college in freaking Los Angeles, my classes have not been going super great this semester. I still hadn't made many close friends besides my roommate, Lia, and she wasn't always in our dorm when I was. The one class I had on campus today was one I really was having a hard time getting through. It was my songwriting class, and I am songwriting major. Ironic, I know. For some reason I just couldn't get in a groove when it came to the assignments and I hadn't had much motivation to go to class lately. It was getting close to finals week, so I forced myself get out of bed and go to class for once. 

I made the ten minute walk across campus and quietly slipped into my seat in class. Professor Schade welcomes everyone and immediately starts in on our lecture for the day. I accidentally tune him out for most of class until I hear him talking about our final exam. Great, I can't wait to hear what we're gonna have to do for this. I swear if he wants us to write an album or something I am gonna quit!! Not really, but like, that's a lot to be due in a little over a week, I think to myself. 

"Okay guys, for your final you will be interviewing one of the school's bands or artists. Get to know them, their writing process. Some of their favorite performances. Anything really, I just want you guys to talk with more musicians besides each other in here. It doesn't have to be super long, how's a two page minimum sound," Professor Schade asks us.

We all let out a sigh of relief and nod our heads. I'm glad it's only two pages. But shit, how am I gonna even find someone to interview? 

I've only heard of the groups here, but I've never really gotten into any of them. 

Oh my God, Lia! She somehow knows literally every artist and band on campus. I'm sure she would be able to help me!

Once class ends, I text Lia asking her to meet at the cafe on campus. We have the same class times so I know she'll be available. Fifteen minutes and a hike across campus later, I see Lia in our favorite spot at the cafe.

"Hey Nova, did you actually go to class today," Lia asks with a grin on her face. 

"Yes, mother, I did," I joke. "I actually need your help with my final if you're up for it? I have to interview a school band or artist and write about it. But you know me, not really into the whole social scene here. I know that you have some way of contacting literally everyone, so would you happen to have some cool little band I could talk to?" I ask Lia.

"Actually, I was gonna go to the 5 Seconds of Summer show tonight, if you wanna join me? I can text them and see if they wanna chat with you afterwards! I think you'd really like them, Nova," Lia exclaims.

"You know what, fuck it, I'm going. I need to start branching out more if I'm gonna succeed here. Thanks, Lia, I really appreciate this! Now tell me, who are in 5SOS and do I know any of them?" I ask. 

"Yeah I think you've had a class with one of them before. Last semester, in your intro music class, Calum Hood was in it. He's their bassist. Then there's Luke Hemmings, the lead vocalist, Michael Clifford, the guitarist, and Ashton Irwin, the drummer," she tells me.

"Oh yeah, he was pretty cool! I didn't realize he was in a band. I'm actually excited for tonight," I tell Lia.

"Yay! Im glad we get some bonding time outside of the dorm! I'll text the guys on the way to my next class, and I'll see you around 4:00 at the dorm to get ready and grab dinner before," Lia tells me.

I get up and give her a hug. "Sounds good, see you later!" I exclaim.

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