kiss me, kiss me, kiss me

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I wake up Monday morning dreading the fact that it's finals week. Luckily today I just have my songwriting final, which is the interview. Since I've already finished it I can just turn it in and leave. I throw on my favorite sweatpants, t-shirt, and shoes and head out the door. Professor Schade takes attendance and we all hand him our interviews. He wishes us a good summer and bids us farewell. 

I'm thankful that I don't have to do a real final today, but tomorrow I have my guitar final. I go back to my dorm to grab my guitar, deciding that I want to go to the library to rehearse. We have about twenty practice rooms that are soundproof, so I can be as loud and horrible as I want while I practice. 

As I'm walking to the library I feel my phone vibrate. It's a text from Calum.

hey! what are you up to?

just goin to the library to practice for my guitar final tomorrow. what's up?

oh nothing... might have a surprise for you later though :)

sTOP  😭

When I get to the library I immediately head to the practice room I reserved. I needed to work on my song a LOT before it was ready for tomorrow. I decided to perform "Northern Downpour" by Panic! at the Disco. It's such a beautiful song and I love playing it. 

After running through the song four or five times, I decide to take a break and work on writing something. I think back to the picnic I had with Calum and how I had started to write an original song. I try to recall the lyrics...

How did we end up talking, in the first place

I sing it once, and add the chords to it. It had a nice ring to it. I continue to mess around with some chords and come up with more lyrics for the chorus.

You said you like my band tee shirt

Now we're walking back to your place

Suddenly I hear the door open and look up. Calum walks in holding an iced coffee and a muffin. 

"I have a medium cold brew with hazelnut flavor and oat milk for Nova," he says, mimicking a barista.

"How the hell did you find me? And how do you know my order, you stalker!" 

"Uh, your name is right on the door. And I have special connections in the coffee world."


"Maisy," he says. "By the way, she seemed kinda pissed when I asked for your order. Is she alright?"

I think back to how she has been kind of weird all week with me. I hadn't thought to ask her about it, but I was definitely concerned now that Calum had noticed it too. 

"I'm not sure," I say. "But I'll talk to her tomorrow to make sure everything's okay."

He hands me my coffee and muffin and sits down in a chair beside me. 

"The song is sounding great by the way!"

"Oh my God, you heard me? I thought these were soundproof!"

He smiles and says, "I'm glad you're still working on it. Hopefully it'll come together soon. I'd love to try to work on it in the studio with the boys."

My eyes widen in shock. "Wait, you think this is studio worthy? I have legit three lines..."

He shrugs his shoulders. "It already has a great structure. It just needs all the other details. Then I don't see why we wouldn't be able to record it."

"You think this could actually be on an album? You're pranking me. You have to be! There's no way-"

"Slooooow down. You're a songwriting major! They wouldn't have accepted you here if they didn't think you were gonna be something great. I believe in them, and I believe in you. Just keep working on it and I can show it to the boys once you're ready." 

"Thank you. I just can't believe this is happening."

"Stop putting yourself down. This industry is all about confidence and believing in your work. I want to give you all the confidence I can." 

I smile and rest my coffee and muffin on the piano. With pure warmth inside me, I give him a hug, which turns into a kiss. This time, he runs his hands through my hair which sends shivers down my spine. When we pull apart, his dark eyes sparkle in the fluorescent light.  

"Maybe you should call the song 'End Up Here'," he whispers. 

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