she's kinda hot tho

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The next day after class, I gave the rough draft of the interview to Professor Schade. I knew it wasn't my best work, but I did want to see how I was doing so far. 

"Well, Nova," he said, looking through it, "I do think it has potential, though there are some flaws right now. It seems somewhat all over the place."

"I know. When I was interviewing the band last night, they could never seem to agree on the same story. What should I do to make it better?" I asked. 

"Maybe you could talk to just one of the members to get a more clear story," he suggested. 

I realized that would be a perfect opportunity to get to know Calum more and I was excited. "Yeah, I guess that would make sense. Thanks for taking a look at it!" I walked out of the classroom thinking about Calum and the night before. It had been such a weird interview. I was too preoccupied thinking about that girl. But now that I know she's just a music manager, I can actually focus and get a good interview. 

On my way back to my dorm, I decided to stop by the cafe to get some coffee. I barely slept last night, and practically rolled out of bed to get to class on time. I really needed some energy if I wanted to get through the rest of the day. I make my way up to the counter to order, when I realize that Maisy is the barista. 

"Hey Nova, how are you?" Maisy asks, smiling when she notices it's me. 

"I would be better with some caffeine in me!" I joke. She laughs and I give her my order: a medium cold brew with hazelnut flavor and oat milk. It's been my signature drink ever since I moved here. Once I pay, she tells me that her shift ends in five minutes if I wanted to stick around and talk after. I have nothing better to do, so I grab a seat and wait for my drink.

A few minutes after I get my drink, Maisy joins me at the table with an iced tea in her hand.

"I have some tea, and I don't mean the drink I have," she says.

"Ooh, tell me!"

"So once Evie and I got back to the dorms last night, I got a DM from Ashton. He straight up asked me out for dinner tonight." 

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief. I had clocked her as a lesbian so I was quite confused. 

She continued, "But, I told him no, because clearly..." she said, pointing at her flannel and Doc Martens. "I'm definitely gay." 

"I knew it! I'm bisexual, so I have a gaydar." I exclaim. We both laugh and start talking about music we like. She tells me about different musicals she's seen and that I have to listen to Heathers. She also explains that her dream is to be a composer for Broadway. I however, have not listened to a single musical, but I say that I'll definitely listen to it. I tell her about the artists I like- Panic! at the Disco, One Direction, The 1975, Troye Sivan, and plenty of others. 

She suddenly asks, "How did the interview go last night?"

"Um, not great. The guys couldn't agree on a single detail while telling a story. Everything's kind of all over the place. I'm gonna have to interview just one of them to get a more clear story."

"Yeah, they all seemed like they have really strong personalities. Obviously, with Ashton being so forward with me," she laughed.

"I should probably get working on that now. But it was great talking with you! I hope we can all meet up again!"

"Yeah, maybe if the guys do another show we could go together!"

"That'd be great! See you soon, Maisy!" We wave goodbye, and she looks a little sad, but still smiles. It must have been a long day for her. 

When I get back to my dorm, I DM Calum to explain my situation, since we never exchanged numbers.

hey cal! so my songwriting professor recommended that I try doing the interview again just with one person. he thought it was too all over the place. would you be able to do it?

A few minutes later, I see that he responded.

out of all the boys, you want my crazy ass to do an interview? if you think it's smart, I'd be honored! ;) text me at 555-555-5555

I smile to myself, and my heart beats with excitement. 

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