the stupid little things

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The next day on the way to class, I decide to call Calum to set a time to do the interview. After a few rings, he answers, "What's up, this is Calum!"

"Hey Cal, it's Nova!"

"Hey! I've been waiting to hear from you. How's your day going?" he asks, sounding excited.

"It's going pretty well. I'm just heading to class. Nothing too exciting. How are you?"

"I'm doing great now that I'm talking to you." My heart flutters. "Listen, I wanted to ask you something." There's a slight pause before he continues, "I was wondering if you maybe wanna grab dinner before the interview? I could pick you up around six if you want to?" 

"Yeah, that'd be fun! Where should we go?"

"It's gonna be a surprise, but I promise it'll be really good. I'll see you later, okay?"

"I hate surprises, but I'll go along with this one."

"Great, I'll have my car out front at six."

I smiled into the phone, "Okay! Bye, Cal." I put my phone back into my pocket as I make my way to my US History class. I can't help but anticipate tonight and wonder where it is he's taking me. I didn't even know what kind of food he liked, so it could be a total shock for me. 

Class goes by utterly slow, and the discussion about World War II is putting me to sleep. Finally, it's 4pm and I head back to my dorm to get ready for my... "date?" with Calum. 

I entered the dorm and saw that Lia wasn't there. I was hoping she would help me get ready, but I guess I was all on my own. After many outfit fails, I decided on a black tank top with gingham pants. Then I threw on a cardigan and black vans to complete the look. I decided to curl my hair for the occasion and put on a little makeup. It was hard to admit it, but I was nervous. My parents were very strict growing up, and I never had the opportunity to go on any kind of date. If that's what this even is. 

6pm rolls around and I head to the lobby of my dorm, anxious to see what the night had in store. I see Calum idling outside in his black Chevy sedan and I walk outside waving at him. As soon as he sees me, he steps out of his car and opens the passenger door for me. He's wearing a gray t-shirt and black jeans with a jean jacket and black vans. He points out my black vans and smirks, "Hey, we're matching!" My heart beats at a slightly faster than normal pace. I smile back.

"Thanks for getting the door for me." 

"No problem, Nova."

I get in the car and recognize immediately that "Nicotine" by Panic! at the Disco was playing. Once he gets back into his seat, I say, "Dude, I love this song!"

"Oh shit, you like Panic! too?"

"Oh my God, yes! I saw them in concert last summer with my best friends from back in Virginia."

"Yeah me and the guys saw them during that tour too, it was amazing! Did you see Brendon do that backflip during 'Miss Jackson'?"

"Obviously! My friend Alice was screaming so much that she completely missed it and legit almost cried."

Calum laughs. "I'm glad we have something in common."

We drive off and I ask him again where he's taking me, but he doesn't say. We eventually pull up to the sushi place that Lia and I went to before the show on Monday. I smiled and ask, "How do you know I like sushi so much?" 

"Well, I kinda stalked your Instagram and saw that this was the first place you ate at when you moved here. Also..." he pointed at my phone case from Redbubble which had a cartoon sushi roll on it, "I kind of inferred a little bit." 

I smile, happy that he notices the stupid little things, like my phone case. Calum gets out before me, and again comes and opens the door. We walk into the restaurant and get seated immediately. Sitting there with him just feels so natural. I was surprised to notice that my nerves went away almost immediately. We had so much in common and I thought to myself that I hoped this became something more. 

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