when i catch fire, and wash over you like the sun

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"You fucked who?!" Lia exclaims.

The tears are already running down her face. 

"Well. Um, One Direction's tour manager. Her name is Megan."

"Why would you do that to me?" 

"You're right," he clarifies. "It was an extremely douchey move, and I'm so sorry. But I had to think fast because this is a huge opportunity for us!"

"Us? You mean the band you asshole. I don't think there's an 'us' right now."

The expression on Luke's face changes, finally understanding how much he's hurt her. 

"I swear to God Lia it didn't mean anything. I just did what I had to. I have to provide for our future. This is a way we can get there one day." 

Lia is full on sobbing now and doesn't respond. Instead, Calum says, "Dude, that was a really shitty thing to do. So what if we now have a possible in with One Direction's tour manager? Now you've fucked up your relationship. Was it really worth it? I know I would never do something so idiotic, no matter what. Even if it's just a kiss."

Suddenly, my minds whirls back to last week when the kiss with Maisy happened. I instantly feel a pang of guilt in my heart. Maybe I need to tell him eventually. Knowing that he would never do that, yet I did makes me feel like a horrible person. 

Luke looks down at the ground, obviously reconsidering his actions. "You're right, Calum. Thank you for calling me out. Lia, I can never apologize enough to you. I was clouded by misjudgment and the idea of fame. That shit is worthless to me if I lose you."

"Whatever. You fucked up. Really hard. I just can't even think about it without my eyes welling up with tears. I like you so much Luke, but if this is how you're going to treat me, you've already lost me." 

I reach out and squeeze Lia's hand, and she turns to me. "Come on, Nova we're getting out of this crazy house."

"Um, okay. Well, bye Cal. Luke." My eyes linger on Cal, and we exchange a glance. I wish I could kiss him one last time, but this is the absolute worst scenario to do that in, so I don't entertain that idea. Lia grabs the scissors off the floor and we walk out. Of course she slams the door behind us as a final touch. In the hall, she starts crying again and I hold her as she trembles. 

"I'm so sorry," I whisper to her. "He's such an asshole. Who cares if they're gonna tour with One Direction?!" 

When we get back to our room, an idea forms in my head. I know that Lia has an old hoodie of Luke's, and we have some matches and rubbing alcohol.

"Lia, do you wanna have a bonfire and burn the cheater's hoodie?" I say, trying to be casual. 

"Absolutely. That's the only way I'll let this night end."

We grab the supplies and head outside. I remember the spot where Calum and I kissed by the dumpsters. It was a pretty secluded spot and I figured that it would be one of the only places on campus where we could start a small fire and not get arrested. Once we get there, I let Lia soak the hoodie and light the match.

"Fuck all men!" she says, and drops the match onto the hoodie, immediately swallowing it in flames. 

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