jealousy keeps containing me, in time you'll see just what we could be

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Lia and I arrive at the common area and see that virtually nothing has been set up. Typical boys, of course they'd wait till the last minute to set anything up. I smile and walk over to Calum.

"You guys are really slacking at setting up... You should've been done ages ago!" I joke. Cal chuckles and says, "Well you're here now, you can help!"

"Oh really, Cal?" I say with a sarcastic tone. "You're gonna make me do the work for you, really? Like in that group project last semester?" I playfully slap him.

"Nah, I'm just joking! You're here to enjoy the show, not be a roadie for us. You and Lia can chill while we set up." he replies.

"Are you sure? I totally don't mind helping!"

"It's all good! Now go and save Lia from embarrassing herself in front of Luke."

I walk over to Lia where I hear her bantering with Luke about La La Land. He seemed to be finishing up a story...

"And yeah, that's how I became an extra in La La Land." 

"Oh my God, that's so cool! I loved that movie!" Lia exclaims.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but Calum said that you guys should go set up..." I say to Luke.

"Oh right." he says, looking disappointed. "I was just too busy chatting it up with this lovely lady. He winked at Lia playfully.

I roll my eyes, faking disgust. 

"Come on, let's go sit on the couches." I say to Lia. 

We walk over to the other side of the common room where there are a handful of couches and a big TV. Some random students were sitting there, when Lia says, "Hey guys! Our friends' band is having a small show here in a little while if you guys wanna stay?" 

A girl with a bright pink pixie cut who was wearing fishnet tights and a black and white flannel immediately showed interest. 

"Woah, sounds cool! What do they sound like?" 

Before we have a chance to answer, the boys start doing sound check. Over the noise, I shout, "This!" She laughs. 

When the song ends the pink- haired girl turns back to us.

"They sound really good! My name is Evie, by the way." She points to the girl next to her. "This is Maisy."

Maisy also has on flannel, but it's like, a gay flannel. I can clock her as a lesbian immediately. If things don't work with Calum, then at least I know Maisy is an option! She gives me a knowing smile. 

"I'm Nova, by the way. And that's Lia!" I tell them. We all start having a conversation about our majors or some bullshit, but about a minute into it, I zone out and start wondering what Calum is up to.

Curious, I turn around. The boys are making final adjustments to their instruments, and I see that Calum is talking to a girl I don't recognize. She has long, blonde hair and is wearing a short skirt and the exact same star shirt I was wearing before I changed. I couldn't help but think that she is a better version of me, and the fact that she was talking to Calum made me hurt even more. I looked away, not wanting to think about them anymore. It's probably nothing, I tell myself. And you shouldn't even care anyways. You've talked to him for what, a few hours? I turn back to Lia and our new friends. It was still hard for me to follow what they were saying because my mind was so distracted. After a few seconds, Lia snapped in my face. "Come on, Nova, answer the question!"

"Sorry- I guess I got distracted." I said, shaking my head. "What did you ask me?"

"Uh, what's your major?" Evie responds, chuckling.

"Oh, I'm a songwriting major." 

Maisy chimes in, "No way, me too! We'll have to write together sometime!"

"Yeah, just let me know! I'd love to see what kind of music you write!"

The other three start talking again, and my mind drifts back to Calum and that girl he was with. I resist the temptation to look back again. I know if I see them again, I'll just feel more weird. Then from behind me, I hear the boys calling for us. 

"The show's starting, get over here guys!"

Then I have no choice but to turn around, and I don't like what I see.

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