cause i'm just a sucker for anything that you do

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Once I get back to the dorm, I put on some music and brainstorm some questions to ask the band if I do end up interviewing them. I become so lost in thought when I feel my phone vibrate on my bed. I look and see a text from Lia:

the guys are totally down to be interviewed after the show!! calum told me they're super stoked to talk to you!

omg thank you sooo much Lia!! I'll see you in a bit to get ready :)

can't wait <3

I finish up writing some more questions when Lia walks in from class. She drops her stuff on the ground and immediately starts playing music. It's sounds really awesome but I can't place who the band is.

"Wait, who is this? Because they're freaking amazing?" I ask Lia.

"Dude, this is 5SOS... We're seeing them TONIGHT! I can't believe you don't know any of their songs," she laughs. 

"Well damn, I'm pumped for tonight now! What are you gonna wear?" I ask.

Lia goes into her closet and pulls out a super cute velvet red dress. From her dresser she gets fishnet tights and grabs her combat boots. 

"Woah you're gonna look hot, who are you trying to impress?" I jokingly ask her.

"Um, nobody? Well okay I kiiinda have a huge crush on Luke and I figured since you're interviewing him that he'd see me and like I wanna look cute but not TOO showy ya know?? Just like casual but still trying... you get the vibe," Lia asks.

"Oh my God, dude, you're so wack sometimes but I love you for it," I say. We both laugh and then it hits me that I have no idea what to wear.  

"Soooo what the hell do I wear tonight? I literally have like four pairs of jeans and some shirts. That aren't cute. Can I maybe borrow something?" I ask her sweetly.

"Of course! I have the perfect outfit in mind," she tells me.

Lia rummages through her clothes again and pulls out a sheer long sleeve shirt with black stars on it. She grabs a black tank top to go under.

"Grab your ripped black jeans and white vans and you're good to go for the outfit," Lia tells me.

"You have the coolest clothes, I'm kinda jealous! We're gonna have some poppin looks tonight thanks to you!" I exclaim.

Lia and I both get into our outfits, still jamming to 5SOS. Once we finish our hair and makeup, we  decide to get dinner off campus before the show. I grab my list of questions and my bag and we head out. Luckily for us, there's a really awesome sushi place that's not too far from campus, and right down the street from where the show is. 

As we walk to dinner we talk about how our first year is coming to an end, our favorite things we've done as roommates, and eventually it circles back to Lia liking Luke. She opens Instagram and shows me a video of the guys performing.  

"So tell me... what makes you so entranced by Luke, huh? I mean he's cute and all, but he's such a stereotypical boy band guy. He has the looks, the voice, whatever! But is he actually like a good guy?" I ask Lia, hesitant that she might get her heart broken by yet another guy at this school. 

"I don't like him just because he's in a band. I like him because he's such a sweetheart. I've seen the way he goes out of his way to help anyone he can. Not a lot of guys do that just because they care. I've talked to him a few times and he's kind, and sincere, and just so down to earth. I really like him Nova," she explains. 

"Okay then, you made some valid points. I really hope you guys get together! You'd be super cute," I tell Lia.

"Yeah and then we could go on double dates with you and Cal..." she says.

I instantly start blushing, because let's face it, I have a big ol' crush on Calum Hood. Damnit. I tried my hardest not to think about him all day since Lia reminded me he was in my class last semester. 

"What? Psh I don't like Calum," I say. I try to play it off like I really don't like him, but I crack and Lia starts laughing.

"You really thought you could make me think you don't have feelings for Cal? Girl I can read you like a book! You have no good way of hiding how you're actually feeling and I honestly could tell this whole afternoon getting ready that you wanted to look good for someone," she says.

"Ugh, fine. We can go on cheesy double dates and hang out together and be all cutesy. That's if Calum even likes me! Which is highly unlikely," I complain. 

"Nova, you are one of the coolest people I've ever met. You're so fun and chill and gorgeous! Cal's an idiot if he doesn't see something in you," Lia tells me.

"You really think so?" I ask her, unsure if she's telling the truth or if she just wants to make me feel better. 

"I swear. Now come on, I'm starving," she exclaims. 

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