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I'M JUST TIRED OF EVERYONE BEING SO SCARED OF ME--------------------۞--------------------The Originals: 5x4

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The Originals: 5x4

         Odette was at a loss with words she stared on her mouth open like a fish gaping for water as she tried to form a sentence.

         "I don't know why you blacked out like that but it wasn't the first time," Freya said explaining to the best of her ability.

"Every time you see yourself bleeding you disappear and there could be loads of explanations, and taking into account the trauma you face before Hayley adopted you doesn't help narrow it down, it could also be the celestial event you were born under, or someone making blood sacrifices in the name of you." Freya listed off and Odette didn't want to here anymore about herself, there was already so much to process.

Hope looked down in shame remembering how hesitant Odette was about drawing her blood for Henry so much so she made Hope do it who healed her right after.

"So the two of us are linked supernaturally and we're going to be the literal end of the world." Odette summarized and Freya just looked at both the girls.

"I don't even know if it's true but usually when things like that happened it's from something bigger like things not working out the way we want them too and we all need to be prepared for that." Freya said trying to speak as calmly as possible hoping that the girls wouldn't freak out on her.

"You mean for my mom to die?" Hope said realizing what this entire conversation was about.

"For what happens inside of us anytime tragedy strikes. For when you're emotions are tested in ways you couldn't even imagine." Freya said understanding laced in her tone but the girls couldn't think straight let alone acknowledge Freya's gentleness.

"And how does anyone prepare for that tante?" Odette asks grief clear in her voice.

"The both of you aren't just anyone, you're first born witch's not to mention you have werewolf tempers and a terrifying amount of power even with everyone keeping the darkness away from you." Freya said in almost a whisper as she remembered how difficult it was for her to control her power when she was there age.

"So we're so sensitive that everyone is afraid that we'll just flip out?" Hope questioned the conversation taking a toll on her.

"When people like us flip out entire villages can burn." Freya says light heartedly but sees that Hope and Odette aren't reacting.

"I know what it feels like to be thrusted into a situation where the entire word is upon your shoulders, and not knowing if you have the strength to carry it." Freya said relating what the girls where going through to her current situation.

Each Other - 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗 Where stories live. Discover now