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THE FACT THAT I COULD LOSE YOU TOO--------------------۞--------------------The Originals: 5x7

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The Originals: 5x7

        Josh had dropped off Hope and Odette at the front room of the compound, checked them for any wounds then left to help salvage what he could to finish the funeral.

       Odette had pulled away from the vampire as soon as he announced that he was going to leave and Hope looked curiously at the hybrid.

        "Odette!" Hope called after her friend, a slight attitude in her voice.

       When the younger didn't respond she changed her voice to a more gentler tone.

       "Hey, talk to me what's wrong?" The tribrid said grasping her arm to prevent her from walking away.

       "You!" Odette shouted, finally turning to face the tribrid. Tears where in her eyes but no quite running down her face yet.

        Hope was speechless her anger wearing off as she took in Odette's appearance, she looked as if she had seen a ghost.

       "They had you at gun point Hope! Do you have any idea how reckless that was? Do you have any idea-" Odette cut herself off, realizing yelling at Hope wasn't going to solve to problem, she shouldn't project her anger on the tribrid, no matter how much her actions pissed Odette off.

      "Hayley's funeral sucked and we should've left but you just had to fall right into their trap when you exploded that van." Odette said her voice was lower but her tone was still harsh.

      "What are you talking about?!" Hope said raising her voice as she felt that she was being scolded.

       "I'm talking about how you reacted. They want us to look like- like monsters and that is exactly what you showed them, do you even realize that you killed someone?" Odette said taking a step closer to Hope as she said the last part.

      She was referring to the vampires who were in the van that was now probably being hosed off.

       Hope looked down at the revelation, she had been blind with anger, she didn't even think about that fact, but it's not like it mattered she was a murder now.

       Odette who was now clear of any hostile emotion that she felt towards the tribrid was now feeling guilty for her words, she was acting as if Hope wasn't feeling the same pain as her as if Hope wasn't grieving in her own way.

      "Hope I-" Odette tried to apologize but the teen only brushed past her and ran up to her room.

       The hybrid ran her fingers through her now messy hair and finally allowed her tears to fall, she had really fucked up.

Each Other - 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗 Where stories live. Discover now