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The Originals: 5x10

Odette had opted to try and take a nap on one of the sofas in the dining room and Klaus sat outside of the room on the steps drinking one of his many bottles of bourbon.

     Elijah had arrived in the room and Klaus had already grown irritated at his presence. "So this is the new parenting style? Letting your daughter mercilessly torture that boy?" Elijah questioned clear disagreement in his tone.

     "That boy held her, Odette, and Hayley hostage almost killed Hope and Odette, and succeed with their mother. So if my daughter decides to end his life then that would make her someone who vanquishes her enemies, following in the footsteps of yours truly and her uncle." Klaus says pointing at Elijah with a knowing smirk on his face. It was then Odette decided pretending to sleep was no longer interesting and this brotherly banter was enough to keep her awake.

    "She was supposed to be better than us Niklaus, they were supposed to be better," Elijah stated, remember the life Hayley wishes to have with him and the girls, the life they never had to together.

     "They're ill. If this brings them some relief then nothing else matters." Klaus said his tone becoming softer and Odette had to strain her ears to listen.

    "And then what? When she's done with him and the darkness returns?" Elijah asked his tone remained unchanging as he was set on his argument.

     "I'm sorry but I have to ask, as much as I enjoy your undying judgment, do you really think I believe that you really have the girls' best interest at heart?" Klaus said making his way up the stairs, if it was because he wanted a change in atmosphere or he didn't want Odette to hear the rest of the conversation, she didn't know.

      She was about to get up to try and listen more but something took her attention away. "You have not idea what you took for me!" Odette fell down to her knees grabbing her abondmen, Hope's power was brewing inside of her, all the rage, all the anguish coming to the surface, in this moment Hope could kill Roman she was sure of it

     Odette resisted the power working against it was much more painful but she managed to stay silent as to not startle anyone. Odettes eyes turned blue as the discolored veins crawled up to her face, she changed her mind, she wasn't going to allow Hope to go through with this.

     Eventually, the pain subsided and all Odette could do was lay there for a moment. She started shaking again but she didn't feel any better, meaning the power was never released allowing her to believe Roman was still alive.

     With a small sigh, Odette lifted herself off the ground hissing as her body moved. when she was standing again she made her way to the dungeon. One look at the boy she wanted to turn away but he heard her.

Each Other - 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗 Where stories live. Discover now