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HE'S THE ONE THAT LEAD THEM TO THE CHURCH ATTIC--------------------۞--------------------The Originals: 5x6

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The Originals: 5x6

Odette giggled as she scrolled through Roman's playlist. Songs from bands like, Taking Back Sunday, Radiohead and Basement where the most prevalent.

     "Come on you got to have at least one song in here that doesn't fit your emo stereotype." The hybrid mused and Hope laughed, leaning over her shoulder to get a good look at the phone.

      "I knew your hair had emo tendencies but your music?" Hope questioned as she took in all the songs in the playlist.

      "Shade thrown and caught, I did not sign up to be ganged up by the both of you when I offered to help." Roman said grabbing the phone while Odette smiled, feeling accomplished for annoying the vampire.

     "Hope get in the picture," Roman said holding the phone up.

     "No, I'll do it." Odette said snatching the phone, not trusting the boy to not crash the car. The hybrid stuck her tongue out while the other too laughed.

        The photograph just looked like three normal teenagers that seemed to be on a road trip, but they weren't, the realization hit Odette like a train.

"You know if Hayley were here she'd total shame us for taking selfies and driving." She said looking back at Hope.

"Compared to binding ourselves, I'd say the selfie is a misdemeanor." Hope said jokingly and the girls laughed despite the weight of the situation.

    "Are you guys nervous?" Roman asked bringing the seriousness back into the conversation.

    "Our aunt Freya said that we'd regret it for the rest of our life and from what I've read in my dad's journals, it's horrible." Hope says and Odette looks down at her hands, she already regrets it but she was going to go through with it, to save Hayley.

     "It's sounds like you're scared." Roman summarized and Odette snorted.

     "More like terrified." Hope said leaning back and Roman glanced at her through the review mirror.

      "You said you felt like a freak, I don't know, maybe this'll help, plus it's not like you know this side of yourself as well as your witch side." Roman said glancing at Odette momentarily. "So you won't miss it..." Roman finishes off and the last statement made the hybrid roll her eyes.

"I'd really wish you stop saying that." Odette said turning her head to Roman who seemed to be waiting for an explanation.

Each Other - 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗 Where stories live. Discover now