Chapter Two

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Caroline blinked her eyes open and looked around to see that she was still in her room with a blanket wrapped around herself.

She rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes, before she pushed the blanket off her body and stood up, cracking her neck, knuckles, and back before heading to her bedroom door.

She walked out of it and slowly walked down the stairs of her two-story house to see her parents in the living room with worry plastered on their faces, which only made her begin to worry.

"What's wrong?"She asked them, only they didn't respond.

Caroline looked around the living room to see that Liam wasn't in there, she turned back to her parents to see them looking at her.

"Where's Liam?"She asked as she frantically looked around, hoping to find him just hiding somewhere.

Her mother with tears rolling down her face as she let out a sob, while her father stayed a blank face hiding every single emotion.

"He's missing, sweetheart."Her mother, Lucy Forbes, stuttered out in between each sob that came out of her mouth.

Caroline fell to her knees and she covered her face with her hands as she let a sob come out of her own mouth.

Caroline then started blaming herself and she had millions of thoughts floating around in her mind.

Like, is he okay?

Is he even alive?

Is he dead?

Caroline looked up at her parents with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose, she couldn't look at her parents without feeling guilty about not going with him outside.

She knew that she should have gone with him, it's not like she was sick or anything.

Caroline weakly stood up and sprinted back up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door shut as she slammed her body onto her bed and she covered herself with her blankets.

She cried herself to sleep that night, the guilt building up in her body.

The following day Caroline didn't feel like going to school, so she asked if she could stay at home that day.

Her parents understood that she was grieving, when really she was guilty for not going with Liam when she should have.

Caroline just stayed in her room that whole morning, her parents left to print missing posters for Liam.

Caroline was just lying on her back, staring blankly at her lavender colored ceiling, lost in her thoughts.

A few hours later Caroline heard a knock on the front door which confused her, because her parents were not home yet, and she was the only one home.

She slowly pulled the sheets off of her warm body before placing her feet on the cold wooden floor, as she walked down the stairs.

She still had thoughts stuck in her mind.

She soon reached the front door and she grasped the handle of it before unlocking and swinging it open.

There stood her best friend and crush, Bill Denbrough, soaked from the rain pouring down on the earth.

Line quickly pulled him in and hurriedly ran to grab a big towel to help warm him up.

Once she handed him the towel she noticed how broken and sad he looked.

It looked like Bill had been crying from the way that his eyes are all puffy and bloodshot and his bottom lip was quivering.

"Bill, what's wrong?"Caroline questioned, concerned.

Bill just shook his head repeatedly as he wrapped his arms around the smaller girls waist.

She immediately wrapped her arms around his waist, then it turned into a comforting embrace.

She rubbed his back as he sobbed into her shoulder.

She was confused on what was wrong with him, but didn't question just yet.

Once they pulled apart, Caroline grabbed his hand and took him up to her bedroom.

She sat Bill down on her bed and she sat down right next to him, and grabbed his hand.

"Now tell me what's wrong."Caroline asked him as she looked into his eyes, which showed sorrow and pain.

"G-G-Ge-or-gie."He stuttered out and Caroline can see tears starting to form into his glossy eyes again.

"What about Georgie."Caroline asked, scared to know the answer.

"H-He's m-m-missi-ng, C-C-Caroline. He's missing."He said as he finally broke down, tears streamed down his pale face as loud sobs came out of his mouth.

Caroline covered her mouth with her hands.

Caroline pulled Bill into another embrace as she herself started crying, not only for the disappearance of Georgie, but for Liam too.

Caroline pulled out of the embrace, as she pulled her knees to her chest and she wrapped her arms around her legs to hide her face from the public eye.

She started crying over the fact that her brother may never be found again.

"C-Caroline wh-what's wro-ng."Bill asked her, concerned himself.

She looked up at him and he could see guilt and sorrow in her bloodshot eyes.

"Did you not hear."Caroline asked quietly to him, although he was very confused by the question, he still tried to understand what she meant, but came up blank.

"He's gone, Bill."Caroline spoke in between sobs.

"W-who's gone."Bill asked, not knowing if he wanted to know the answer.

"Liam is gone, Bill. He's missing, and its all my fault."She cried out as she fell into Bill's arms.

Bill wrapped his arms tightly around her and gently placed his chin on top of her head, he began telling her that it wasn't her fault and that it was going to be okay, but even he didn't know if that is true.

The two then went downstairs to make a cup of hot cocoa and marshmallows.

They sipped the delicious treat in silence, not a word was spoken in between the two for a few minutes.

"Do you think we will find them?"Caroline asks Bill as she washed her dark blue mug in the sink, Bill looked up from his mug and over to her.

"I h-ho-pe so."Bill replied as Caroline began to make her way back to her bedroom, and layed down.







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