Chapter Twenty-Two

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It was a bright and sunny afternoon that day, but to Carrie it wasn't such a bright and colorful day.

She locked herself in her bedroom, and was laying on her bed lost in her thoughts, while staring blankly at the ceiling.

She missed Bill, but she was too afraid to face him, after what Richie said, and it angered her of how much she couldn't face her own crush.

She was still pissed with Richie, and she hadn't spoken to any of the Losers for the past few weeks.

She did however talk to Beverly on the phone from time to time, but the redhead always had to bring up the subject of talking to Bill.

Caroline refused everytime. She felt like a coward for hiding away from the world, she knew she would have to face Bill sometime or another.

To keep herself busy and from losing her mind, she had been reading books that were on her bookshelf. Only problem now is that she didn't have anymore to read.

She thought about going to the library to get a couple to read, but didn't know if she should, but in the end she sighed, grabbed a plain outfit, slipped on her converse and walked out the door.

She pulled her bike to the road and dismounted it before taking off down the road. She just hoped she didn't see Richie nor Bill while she was out.

She knew that Ben would probably be at the library seeing as he loved to read books and their histories.

The wind blew in her face, as she flew down the streets at a rapid speed, her heart was racing inside of her chest.

She skidded to a stop as soon as she spotted the familiar building known as the town library. She hopped off her bike and wheeled it over to the bike rack, before clipping it on.

She left it there, and headed straight into the building. She climbed the stairs before opening the large wooden door and slamming it shut behind.

She then started scanning the shelves of books, and pulling one out every so often.

Once she got a couple, she went up to the librarian to check the books out. Once the librarian scanned all the books, she started her walk to the door.

Before she got to the door a voice called out to her. It sounded familiar so she spun around to see Ben waving her over from where he was sitting in his usual spot.

Since he hasn't talked to any of the Losers, he started spending more time in the library.

She grinned at the sight of him, and headed towards the seat across from him. It wouldn't hurt to talk to him for a little while, right?

"Hi, Ben. How've you been?"She asked as she plopped down into the seat. He smiled softly at the sight of her.

He was glad that he could have someone to talk to. It was getting rather lonely for him to have no one to talk to, except for his family.

"I'm fine. What about you? Are you and Bill..."Ben trailed at the end, not knowing if they had talked to each other since...

Caroline slumped into the chair, and breathed in deeply. She squeezed her eyes shut at the thought of the blue eyed, brown haired boy.

She wanted to talk to him, but she just could never build enough courage to talk to him.

"I can't talk to him."She sighed as she leaned her elbows onto the table, as she set her stack of books on the table next to her.

"And, why not?"Ben asked, curiosity peaked into his thoughts, and he wondered.

Was she afraid to talk to him?

"I can't face him. Not after what Richie said."She muttered.

"Are you scared?"He asked gently grasping onto her hand to try and comfort her.

She gripped onto his hand."Terrified."She said.

"Of what?''Ben asked. He was wondering if he could be able to encourage her to face Bill.

"Rejection, heartbreak, not being good enough."She cried out, Ben could see tears starting to fill into her ice blue orbs.

"You don't realize it or notice it do you?"Ben laughed, although he didn't mean to, with the situation that she's in.

Caroline looked up at him, confused on what he meant."Notice what?"She asked.

He shook his head, as laughter began to bubble out of his mouth."That boy looks at you like you are an angel. Like you are the one thing he cares about the most. That boy really does like you, perhaps even loves you."Ben shrugs.

"You just need to see it. The whole group can tell, but you. Only you think differently."He said, looking up at her now shocked face.

She let a small smile creep onto her face, as she pulled her hand out of Ben's grasp.

"Thanks, Ben. It's means a lot."Carrie said, giving a hug, before grabbing her books and walking towards the door, but stopped.

"Oh, and Ben."Caroline said, with her head over her shoulder. As he looked at her with confusion.

"You should tell Beverly how you feel. I know she likes you."Caroline winked at him, as he turned into a bright tomato, and a grin planted onto his face.

"Thanks, Care."Ben said, she nodded, before leaving the library.

She unclipped her bike, set the few books in her basket, before climbing onto the bike, and riding down the main road heading towards her house.

What she didn't notice was that Bill was behind her watching as she biked away.

Away from him.

He had been thinking a lot about what Richie had revealed to the group a few weeks ago.

He now knew that the feelings that he had buried deep inside of his chest for the girl was mutual, and to that he grinned happily at.

But he did wonder one thing...

Why is she avoiding him?

This thought had been in his mind for a long time, and he wished he had the answer to it, but the way to find out the answer was to talk to the girl.

So with a thought in his mind, he knew what he had to do.

He was going to her house.


He mounted his bike and rode down the road to his house with a grin.

Happy that he would, hopefully, get the answers that he wanted... No he not wanted the answers he needed to know what she was afraid of.

And with that thought he walked into his dark, gloomy, and empty house with a bright smile.







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