Chapter Four

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It's been almost a whole year since Liam and Georgie went missing and it had taken a huge toll on Bill and Caroline.

The two were more quiet then before, and Bill's stutter had gotten worse since Georgie's disappearance.

Caroline still blamed herself about the incident with Liam's case.

Caroline and Bill's parents started to neglect them, and they were always being ignored by their parents.

The two children missed their brothers dearly, and so they began to look throughout Derry, and Caroline even started to go to the library to do some research over the small town.

She had found some, rather, mysterious and horrifying events that happened in the past.

In Derry the children and some adults have gone missing, and the numbers just kept increasing.

Caroline had met the new kid, Ben Hanscom, in the library a few times, and at first it was awkward.

She had, unknowingly, sat across from him, and she didn't realize it until she looked up.

But soon their friendship grew when they figured out that they both were researching about Derry and became friends quickly.

Another new friend of Caroline's was Beverly Marsh, at first the two didn't really know how to talk to each other.

Their friendship soon grew when they got over that faze and they told each other about everything, fron home events to their favorite things.

Caroline even had the guts to tell Beverly about her not so small of a crush on Bill.

Beverly was shocked at first, but then she smiled, and told her that she thought the two would be cute together.

Now, Caroline sat in her English class with her books in her bag and a pencil in her hands as she tapped the end of it on the wooden desktop.

She was in the classroom with Richie, Bill, and Eddie, and luckily for her they all sat near her.

There were five more minutes of school left, before they let them out for summer break, and Caroline couldn't have been more happy about that.

Carrie was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even hear her friends calling her name, she jumped as she heard all three boys shout her name in sync.

Carrie looked at the boys in confusion before she looked around the classroom and understood why they did what they did.

She hurriedly packed up her things before joining the boys at the classroom door.

The boys immediately started a discussion on Stanley's upcoming Bar Mitzvah as soon as she arrived.

"So, there's this church full of Jews, right? And Stan has to take this super jewy test."Eddie explained to the small group.

"But, how's it work?"Bill asked, motioning with his hands to Eddie to explain further of what he meant.

Eddie looked over at Carrie for a second before turning back towards Bill.

"They slice the tip of his dick off." Eddie explained motioning with his hands to help picture it, although Caroline really didn't want to imagine what that would look like.

"But then Stan will have nothing left?"Richie exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Wait up, you guys."Speaking of Stanley, here he comes running down the hall and squeezing in between Bill and Eddie.

"Hey Stan, what happens at the Bar Mitzvah, anyway? Ed says they slice the tip of your d-d-dick off."Bill questioned Stan as soon as he caught up to them.

"Yeah, and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say, "Where's the beef?"

Line scrunched up her nose in disgust and lightly smacked Richie on the arm, which didn't go unnoticed by Bill.

He looked at the two in jealously. He knew that Carrie and Richie were close, but it still made him jealous.

"That's disgusting, Richie."She exclaimed to him. The boys just laughed at the two idiots.

"At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah, and then I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man."Stanley explained to the group.

Caroline nodded her head in understanding to the answer.

"I could think of funner ways to become a man."Richie said to Stanley.

" "More fun" you mean."Stanley corrected Richie.

"Oh, shit."Richie whispered, for once, but Carrie knew it was for a good reason.

The Loser's Club walked silently and hurriedly down the hall. Caroline felt uneasy, she scooted closer and closer to Bill, he noticed and stepped closer to her.

The Bowers Gang glared down at the five kids, as they quickly walked down the hallway, getting further and further away from the horrible group.

"Think they'll sign my yearbook. Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot steaming dump in your backpack last month, have a great summer."Richie spoke up as he adjusted his glasses.

As the Loser's Club began walking down the staircase, Greta Keene bumped harshly into Stanley before heading into the bathroom.

Caroline quickly told the boys that she was going to the bathroom really quick, they nodded and headed down the stairs.

Caroline knew that Beverly would be in the stall, smoking a cigarette.

Caroline also knew that Greta would start to bully Beverly, so she quickly tried to make it in time.

Caroline rushed into the bathroom having no idea of what she was going to do.

She saw that Greta was in front of the stall that she assumed Beverly was in, then with a loud grunt and a angry huff, Greta kicked the stall door harshly.

Caroline flinched at the loud noise, before shooting a glare at Greta, who didn't even notice her.

"Are you in there by yourself, Beaverly? Or do you have half of the boys in there with you, huh, slut. I know you're in there you little shit I can smell you, no wonder you don't have any friends."

Caroline felt her blood boil inside of her veins by the minute. She just wanted to punch Greta in the face, for saying such things about Beverly.

"Which is it Greta? Am I a slut or a little shit, make up your mind?" Caroline heard Beverly snap back at Greta, and Carrie smirked at the come back.

"Your trash we just wanted to remind you."Greta replied as she backed away from the stall with an evil smirk on her face.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Greta have you looked in the mirror lately, because let's face it you will never and I mean never will be prettier than Beverly so quit trying."Carrie said with a stone cold glare burning into Greta's ugly skull.

Caroline then moved her eyes to one of Greta's minions, Chloe, and saw that she was dragging a trash bag full of water and old watery paper towels and other disgusting things towards the stall next to the one Beverly was in.

Caroline's eyes widened as she knew what she was about to do.

"Bev, watch out."Caroline screamed out to her just as Chloe leaned the trashful bag onto her.

"Well, at least now you'll smell better. Let's go girls. Have nice summer Beaverly and loser Carrie."Greta said sarcasticly.

Caroline shot Greta the middle finger before rushing over to the stall Beverly was in.

"Bev, are you okay."She asked gently knocking on the door.







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