Chapter Thirteen

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The six kids quickly rode to Beverly's and once close, Stanley and Eddie started an argument over which way they should go to get to Beverly.

Caroline grew annoyed instantly and decided to block the two out and then they finally, much to Carrie's relief they made it to Beverly's.

She could see Beverly hurriedly running down the staircase of the building before rushing towards the kids.

Caroline saw that Eddie had thrown his bike onto the ground carelessly, she copied his movements and headed towards her best friend, who seemed terrified and paler than usual.

"Ok. Beverly, what's wrong?"Caroline spoke up after a moment of silence.

Beverly, who now stood in front of Caroline, put her hands on her knees out of breath.

"You made it. I...I need to show you something."Beverly said vaguely, which Carrie grew even more worried than before.

"What is it?"Ben asked, looking at her with concern, trying to search in her eyes for the solution.

"More than we saw at the quarry."Richie said bluntly, making Caroline to smack him on the arm harshly.

"Shut it, Rich."She exclaimed, rolling her eyes. Bill looked at the two, before looking away, disappointed.

"Shut up. Just shut up Richie."Eddie agreed with Caroline throwing his hands up to prove his point.

"My dad will kill me, if he finds out... I had boys in the apartment."Beverly said, looking around at them all.

"We'll leave a lookout. Richie s-s-stay here."Bill said climbing off his bike and tossing it on the ground.

"Woah, woah, woah. What if her dad comes back?"Richie exclaimed, throwing his hands as he looked at Bill.

"Do what you always. Start talking."Caroline heard Stan replie from behind Bill.

She snickered slightly at the comment before realizing it wasn't the time for amusement.

The group followed Beverly towards a dark hallway where a singular door was held. Caroline could see the faint shade of red from the cracks at the bottom of the door.

"In there."Beverly said.

"What is it?"Stanley asked her, looking in her direction.

"You'll see."She replied back simply.

Caroline was first to start walking towards the door, seemingly brave, but inside she was having a panic attack.

Caroline could hear Eddie rambling on about diseases and such but decided to block him out once again. With a slight push of her hand on the door it opened.

The six looked into the bathroom, horrified. It was covered from top to bottom in bright red blood.

Caroline was shocked that someone else had seen something terrifying like herself, which relieved and scared her.

Maybe I'm not as crazy as I had thought?

"I knew it."Eddie said, gagging on air, before pulling out his inhaler, taking a puff of it.

"Do you see it?"Beverly asked.

"How can you not see this, it looks like someone got murdered in here."Caroline said, taking in the sight of the bathroom.

"Yes."Eddie replied shakily.

"What happened in here?"Stanley asked the most wanted answer for the group.

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