Chapter Twenty-Five

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The seven losers walked through the dark and disturbing house. Caroline led the group down some creaky stairs and towards the well.

The seven leaned over and into the well to see pitch black, if you were to climb down just a bit.

"Hey, Eddie, you got a quarter?"Richie asked jokily.

"I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing."Eddie replied, inhaler in his hand.

"Beverly."Ben called down, the only noise that replied was his echo.

"How are we supposed to get down there?"Mike asked.

Caroline shined her flashlight around the dark place and it landed on an old rope in the corner of the room.

"Over here."She said, running towards the rope and grabbing onto it.

She stood back up to her full height before she walked over and with the help of Bill and Mike they put it down the well.

Mike pulled the rope to make sure it was secure.

"I'll go first."She insisted as she began to grab onto the rope.

"No, I-I'll go first."Bill said, trying to grab onto the rope.

"Bill, Beverly is my best friend. I'm going first."She said, making sure not to take no for an answer.

"Ok. Just b-be ca-areful."He worried, grasping onto her hand.

Caroline leaned up and kissed Bill, causing the others to let out surprised gasps and gags.

She pulled back from him with a smile."Always."

She then started climbing down until the boys couldn't see her anymore. She had been climbing down for a bit until she noticed a small hole in the wall.

It was big enough to fit a human being in it, although it wouldn't be too comfortable to stay in.

She swung herself into the hole, and shined her flashlight around the hole, and immediately shivered at the creepy atmosphere.

"Okay, guys you can come down now."She called back up, poking her head out of the hole.

Bill started climbing down the rope next, not wanting to be too far away from the girl, afraid he was going to lose her.

And soon all of the losers were in the hole except for Mike, who decided that he would go down last, but right as he began going down he felt the scoring pain of being hit, then thrown back.

The others heard the cries of Mike and quickly scurried back to the opening. Everyone calling, screaming, and yelling for the boy, that was until Henry popped up.

He looked terrifying. There was blood all over his face and clothes, and he had this crazed look in his eyes, as if he was possessed.

Then he started to laugh, and it almost sounded like a sheep. He grabbed onto the rope and started pulling it up.

Richie, Eddie, and Bill tried to grasp onto it, but they couldn't grab onto it fast enough.

The six kids couldn't really do anything, except shout for their friend and hoping that he would be okay.

It was silent for a few minutes before they heard a shout before, someone came flying down the well.

You could hear the cracking of bones along the way, as Henry hit the well sides along the way down.

"Holy shit."Richie shrieked looking down at the fallen bully, now dead bully.

"Mike, Mike."The losers shouted up the well, and sighed in relief when he poked his head over the well entry.

"I'm okay."He assured before putting a bolt in his bolt gun, but before he knew it the bullets slipped over the edge and fallen into the depths of darkness.

He sighed in disappointment, before heading down the well. The losers pulled him in before Carrie felt like someone was missing.

She looked around at the losers and noticed that Stan was missing.

"Guys, where's Stan."She asked, and the boys eyes widened at the realization of the missing Jewish boy.

Caroline took the lead of running around the sewers, worried for the curly haired boy. She couldn't lose one of her best friends, not when one was already missing.

She sloshed around in the grey water, although to Eddie's complaint at the gross germs that could kill them. She just rolled her eyes at the germ freak, and kept pushing forward.

The seven continued to shout for the boy, until they heard the familiar scream of the boy.

They rushed to wear they thought they heard his voice, and soon they came upon an old rusty red door. They pushed and pulled on the door, before with one more push by Mike it slammed open.

The group rushed into the room, the group flashed there lights around the room, until Eddie spotted his flashlight, and scooped it up.

It shined on Stanley and a disfigured woman with bright white eyes, and sharp bloody teeth.

The group screamed at it in terror, before it noticed them, and removed It's teeth off of Stanley's face, before moving away and going around a dirty corner.

Before it came back as the familiar killer clown they knew all too well. He had this mischievous, disgusting, smirk smeared on his face, and this evil look in his eyes. It, then disappeared again.

The kids rushed to their friend, but as soon as they touched him, he smacked their hands away and screamed out.

"No! Your not my friends, you made me go into Neibolt, you made me go into Neibolt."He screamed out as the group continued to try and comfort and calm down their panicking friend.

"No, Stan."Eddie reassured.

"We would never leave you."Mike continued.

Eventually he calmed down and the kids embraced him in a group hug, that was until she noticed two dark silhouette in one of the tunnels.

She and Bill looked over and noticed the supposed figures of Liam and Georgie making both let out a shocking gasp.

The two couldn't believe their eyes. Was it the real Liam and Georgie? Was it their imagination?

Bill quickly grasped Carrie's hand then grabbed a hold of Mike's bolt gun with the other, and then the two rushed after the so called 'Liam and Georgie.'

And it wasn't until a few minutes after did the losers noticed that the two unofficialed leaders were gone.

Eddie's was first to noticed their absence.

"Bill, Carrie."He shouted, before the losers rushed after the two.







A/N:IT MY B-DAY TODAY!!! Yay! I hope everyone's having a great day, and I luv you all!!!

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