Chap 3 ♣ The Discovery(i)

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Monday mornings! Raven thought. She was always loathe to begin a new week. Or queasy, more like it. It meant five more days in this place, before weekend came again.

She genuinely loved her job, but lately she'd been feeling tired, for lack of a better word. Exhausted... And she wasn't even putting extra hours, well except for making sure the bank was up to snuff, by the time those investors came, she really wasn't doing more than she'd been doing before.

Her life was seeming more and more monotonous as of late. Wake up, prepare, get in the car with Char, drive to work, come back by 4pm, operate laptop or talk with Charlotte, sleep. She hated simplicity, and to her dismay, that was what her life was slowly becoming. Simple. Dull. Simply put, boring.

It was 12pm. Lunch break for most of the staffs. And she'd decided to take an inventory walk around, to make sure the changes and things she'd intially requested, had been put in place already.

She was wearing a red corporate blouse, fled at the waist, on a white figure hugging skirt, having black poker dots.

She as usual, had on a 6-inch stiletto heels - black. Her full hair was loosely tamed into an almost messy up-do, binging the hip long hair, to rest right at her nape. Her makeup was flawless, the red lipstick highlighting full heart shaped lips, contrasting her grey eyes that were framed by long black lashes. If looks could kill, she'd long since become a murderer. To her, appearance was everything!

"Hey Ms. Edens. I was able to get the young boy you told me about, and he's agreed to work on our PR image for a few weeks on a contract basis, up until we get Mrs Carruthers to resume her job." Jeff, who'd walked up to her, said

"That's good. Mrs Carruthers couldn't have picked a bad time to put to bed, and earn a maternity leave on her hands. Right when, we're expecting investors. Leaving our PR job post empty. That would surely make the investors frown" Raven clucked.

"There is a hitch though"

"What's that?" She was surprised.

"The boy will do the job, only if we agree to employ him afterwards. Or if we're unwilling to do that, we pay him a hefty sum"

"The conniving...!" Raven exclaimed, then promptly sighed
"No matter. Agree to whatever terms he's given. Right now, we need him more than he needs us. Alert me on more developments. I hope to see him resume work before the week runs out"

"Yes ma'am" and Jefff sauntered off

She resumed her walk, greeting people she recognized, her eyes roving, and making stock of things. It wasn't such a big building. Just 2 floors. After talking to more workers, and satisfied with the results she was getting so far, she started walking back to her office.

My god, she was starving. They'd hurried from the house, this morning, so she and Char weren't able to catch breakfast. Her stomach embarrassingly rumbled, and it made her blush, even though only she could hear it. She began walking faster. Hopefully, the lunch Charlotte ordered for her, would have arrived on her desk by now. Most times, she preferred eating in her office than going out for lunch break

As soon as she got back to her office and sat down, Char popped in

"Hey Rae. You've got a visitor..."

"That's not possible. I don't have any other appointments for the rest of the day" Raven cut in, not even remotely ready to see anyone right now

"Well if you'd let me finish, you'd have known who the visitor was" Charlotte scolded, rolling her eyes

"Fine. Who's it?" Raven asked, rolling her eyes right back. Two could play the game.

"It's your Dad" Charlotte drawled.

"My That's not possible. He's miles away, in Connecticut." Raven was startled

"Well apparently, Connecticut just arrived at our door step. Cause he is right now in fact, waiting at the reception. Or if you want, I could tell him to linger on for an hour, so you have time to put something in that hungry stomach of yours" Charlie joked

"No that won't be necessary. It wouldn't do to keep him waiting. Um... send him right in. Something really important must have made him travel all the way here, without even calling first"

"Will do so ma'am" Charlie winked, walking out.

A couple of seconds later, her father came in.


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop the another chapter of SEVEN DAYS OF SIN (SDOS)

Pardon any typo errors, this is the first draft, I won't have the time to edit yet, until I'm done with the novel. But if you see anyone you can kindly point them out to me, in the comment section. It would be immensely appreciated.

I've decided to be updating SDOS every weekend. So a chapter every week, or 2 chapters if I'm feeling up to it, or wasn't so busy that week...

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