¦BOOK II¦- 37~ To Have And To Hold

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Mikhail moved closer to her, picked her up and slowly, very gently, deposited her on the bed

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Mikhail moved closer to her, picked her up and slowly, very gently, deposited her on the bed.

Hovering over her, he mused "see? Much... better."

Mikhail took her mouth in an explosion of silencing heat, his dark head blocking out the light, his hand on her shoulders hard and rough. The heat was like a red-hot wire shooting through her and she gripped his arms frantically in a last-ditch attempt to break the connection. But he wouldn't let her go.

Her hands curled into fists and struck blindly out at his chest. In response, he darted a powerful hand under her limbs and flattened her to the bed. There was a rich, enveloping darkness beckoning behind her closed eyelids and she knew what it was and she fought it, struggling for breath, for control, for anything that would wipe out the sensations he was forcing her to feel.

But her body was treacherous in pursuit of those same sensations. Her nipples tautened more, into very tight little buds, her thighs trembled and every inch of her quivered with anticipation. Excitement was taking over in hot, drugging little spirals that peaked as he stabbed his tongue deep into the moist interior of her mouth. Her hands tangled in his hair and she kissed him back, passionately and wildly, twisting up to him to get closer. All grievances now forgotten.

Hard hands wrenched the nightdress from her shoulders, down her arms, effectively imprisoning her, and she couldn't hear it, her hands tugging for freedom from their sleeves. But no sooner had she freed herself had he moved again, pinning her wrists to the sheets sighing with an earthy sound of amusement.

The tip of his tongue flicked over the thrust of one swollen nipple and a sob of tortured sound escaped her. His lips enclosed the aching bud slowly, teasingly, and her back arched, her teeth gritting. "No!" she almost sobbed.

"Yes..." Mikhail said thickly, exploring the proud swell of her flesh with his mouth and his tongue and his teeth until she was torn from that last shred of control and frantic only for continuance.

He released her hands and eased her out of her night dress in one smooth movement. Long, sure fingers caressed her now tender breasts, playing on the sensitivity he had awakened, and a low moan of growing frustration escaped her.

Dragging him down to her, she found his mouth again for herself, a long sigh of pleasure torn from her as the black curls of hair on his chest rubbed an abrasive course against her erect nipples.

A blunt forefingers traced the length of one slender thigh and she trembled, jerked as he slid his hand over the flat, sulky skin of her belly. It was as if a hot wire were tightening inside her. She couldn't stay still. He made love to her mouth slowly, errotically, every thrust of his tongue making her quiver with unbearable need. She gripped his shoulders, felt the heavy thud of his heartbeat against her, and craved more, shuddering with wave after wave of raw excitement as he lazily trailed one hand through the blonde curls at her delicate parts.

He kissed her breathless, long, deep, drugging kisses that stole the soul from her body and melted her into a quivering length of subservience.

Only then did he lift his head again and slide with aching slowness down the length of her extended body, making love to every part of her he could reach, with his tongue. The tip of his tongue deeped into her navel, and she whimpered with an intolerable desire, jack-kniffing wildly under the taunting, teasing fingers skimming her unbearably tender nipples. She couldn't stay still but he forced her to endure every maddening second of his tormenting assault.

Her entire body was possessed by an electrifying excitement and yet simultaneously one gigantic ache expressing the raw agony of her need. By the time he parted her thighs and let knowing fingers brush against the honeyed center of that ache, she was at screaming pitch and she cried out his name, her hips moving with a rhythm that required no enforced learning. It came as naturally as the air in her lungs.

He was touching her now as he'd once touched her before, and she was on fire, convinced she was being tortured to death by pleasure. She sobbed just to breathe, her heartbeat thundering madly against her breastbone, the blood in her veins racing insanely in accompaniment. She couldn't bear it...

"God you're wet" Mikhail whispered. He kissed her once more, her head lolling back with the force of his mouth, his kiss like a fiery brand of ownership. He unleashed a hunger that was primitive in its intensity, sending a burst of scorching heat shooting through her veins.

"Mikhail I have to tell you something--" she gasped as he released her reddened lips.

"If I don't have you now," Mikhail said thickly, "I'll die."

With a groan, Mikhail lifted her and suckled at an erect nipple and her hands crunched fiercely into his shoulders, an involuntary moan of excitement torn from her. Her head fell back as his tormenting mouth bit at her sensitive flesh with a knowing eroticism that drove her out of her mind with excitement.

She was boneless in his grasp, a wanton creature drunk on sensation. A lean hand skimmed up her legs, following the upward curve of a slender thigh and lingering there with devastating effect.

"You drive me crazy," Mikhail groaned, moving lower to slowly tug down the scrap of lace panties, that was now all that divided him from her. "You always drove me crazy".

He buried his mouth hotly in the triangle of golden curls he had revealed, gripping her thighs wide open. "No..." she mumbled in shock.

He didn't listen and a split-second later she stopped thinking altogether, thrown into a vortex of extraordinary excitement by what he was doing.

She gasped his name, speared her fingers wildly into his tousled black hair and surrendered absolutely to the pleasure, losing all track of time.

When Mikhail drew level with her again, she was inflamed to fever pitch, not a bone or a muscle in her body obedient to even the most confused command. He wound her arms round him and took her swollen mouth in a savage admission of need and then he lifted her, wrapping her thighs round his narrow waist and entered her in one compelling thrust.

Stilling, he shuddered against her, fighting for control. "It's never been like this for me" he groaned "Never"

"I'm pregnant" she managed to whisper.

"What?" he stopped all movements, stone-cold shocked.

"I am pregnant with our baby Mikhail" she finally gathered the courage to form the actual sentence. "That's what I wanted to tell you before we even got this far. That I'm pregnant."

He withdrew out of her instantly...

A/N: yeah, second chapter in the series of chapters I'm posting today

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A/N: yeah, second chapter in the series of chapters I'm posting today. Pls don't forget to vote, comment and follow me❤️

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