Chap 9 ♣ Hot, Wet & Aroused (iii)

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"That's the idea. I want to shatter you the way you have done me, Raven. I want to make you feel even half of the things you've made me feel in the past year alone." He took three more steps towards her, and she took three more steps back, the back of her legs at once hitting the foot of the bed. But he didn't stop walking, until he got to right where she was, and pushed her onto the bed.

Before she could recover from that, he climbed into the bed as well, instantly placing his mouth on hers, kissing her, coaxing her lips apart, then delving his tongue in, the moment she parted her closed lips, dominating the kiss.

His rough hands made a perusal and quick work of her body, starting from her breasts to cupping her arse.

Then something snapped within him, with a feral growl, he tore the straps of her gown, dragging the dress down her breasts, to reveal matching red bra. Tearing his lips from hers, they journeyed lower, and latched onto her lace covered breasts, biting down on it. She sobbed, shamefully moaning from the loss of his lips on hers, at the same time, welcoming them at the new place they'd decided to take root.

Apparently he decided he wasn't even satisfied with just that. He unhooked her bra, baring her full breasts to his gaze, and he began sucking on her already hard nipples. If he wasn't pinning her to the bed, she'd have jumped out of it already, scorched by the pleasure shooting up her body.

He tore another screamed moan from her, as he bit down hard on dark red nipples, then swiftly began to pet it, blowing air on the abused flesh, sucking at it once more.

"That way, anytime you see the teeth mark bruises on your areola, you would think of the one who gave them to you" he grounded out.

Then journeying down her body with his mouth, he got to her lower regions. She was still clothed by her dress.

"Spread your legs" he ordered


"So I can retrieve what I'm due" he returned simply

Swallowing, she parted her legs slightly, and he stepped in between them, dragging her dress up to her hip.

"Why— you didn't have to drag my dress up as well, just to retrieve it!" she protested,  growing more and more embarrassed. She'd never had a man look at her downthere before, or retrieve her panties for that matter. The others had only been interested in a quick fuck, and in satisfying their own needs.



"Shut up. And enjoy this" he suggested. Before trailing his hands up her inner thighs. They were already coated with her dripping juices, turning them slick. Finally, he got to where her panties were, clinging to her most beloved treasure.

In one swift motion, he leaned down, and tore them off her with his teeth, immediately tucking them in his trouser pocket, for later assessment. He was instantly hit with the aroma of the very essence of her. His mouth began to water at where it would soon be placed. She smelled of orchids and lavender. Probably her bathing soap, he thought bemusedly

"Are we done? You've gotten what you wanted" Raven blurted out, struggling to close her legs, but he wouldn't let her.

Her cunt was glorious. The soft pink flesh visiblly glistened, no doubt with her cum, awaiting his touch, his lips

"Trust me little one, I'm far from being done with you. Nor getting all I want out of you" and he drove down once again, latching his tongue, straight at her clit.

If horses could fly, she would have soared. She almost jumped off the bed, with the array of emotions assaulting her. Her thighs strove to close themselves, protect her, he wouldn't let them. Her hands went to his hair, more to push him away than anything else, he wouldn't bulge.

"Oh my.... Fuck! Mikahail! Oh my god Mikhail, I'm going to cum... oh my god!" She trashed, screaming out his name, trying to fight against her body's natural response, her hands tightly squeezing the sheets for their dear life.

Without preamble, he drove three fingers into her, and she came, hard and fast, her head shooting off the bed, as she screamed his name. His mouth was still on her clit, lapping up her juices, licking every single drop, as she slowly rode down the waves of the most intense orgasm she'd ever had in her life.

"Oh..." She finally moaned out, biting her lips, her hands going to cover her face. She was mortified, of what she'd let this stranger do to her, not that she'd been giving much of a choice to start with, or to even how she responded to it

"You taste so fucking good babochka. A man could get addicted. Fuck. I'm addicted already. I'm going to have a taste of you everyday, for the seven days you're here."

She swore, dragging her hands from her face, hurriedly trying to put her dress back in place, wearing her bra, brushing her hands through the escaped strands of her now messy hair

"Your mouth is never going near my vagina again" she grounded out

"Mine" he growled out

"What?" She asked baffled

"It's mine now. Do not test me Raven. Do not give out threats. You make me want to break them. Your pussy's mine, every part of you is mine, and I will feast on you with pleasure for seven days. Between us, every carnality will be welcomed, every sexual fantasy explored. By the time I'm done with you, the only thing visibly on your thoughts would be my name. Because I can assure you to hell that you would forget yours. Now Run little one. Run before I give in to the raging desire inside me, and fuck you with all the passion I feel, here and now. You'll find that the two doors are opened" he gritted out.

And she did just that. She ran.


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop another chapter of SEVEN DAYS OF SIN (SDOS)

Pardon any typo errors, this is the first draft, I won't have the time to edit yet, until I'm done with the novel. But if you see anyone you can kindly point them out to me, in the comment section. It would be immensely appreciated.

I've decided to be updating SDOS every weekend. So a chapter every week, or 2 chapters if I'm feeling up to it, or wasn't so busy that week...

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