¦BOOK II¦- 24~ Pregnancy Test 2

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"Care to bank on that?" She grinned, the conversation turning into a light banter

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"Care to bank on that?" She grinned, the conversation turning into a light banter

"How's Mikhail?" Raven found herself asking instead

"Well let's see. He was certainly well enough, to shout at, and threaten me just about two days ago, sing because I hadn't come to the medical check up on you, he'd ask me to do, two weeks ago." she surmised in a thoughtful expression

"That's.... 'Well', I suppose" Raven smiled reluctantly. At least she could rule out the sickening possibility that he might have been killed over there.

"You're pregnant aren't you?" Rita asked quietly

"What?" Raven blurted, shocked, her heart instantly beating faster

Was the damn woman psychic as well? What would have made her ask that question?

"Oh don't try to be coy with me, Raven. I don't even need to be a medical doctor, to know a pregnant woman's body, when I see one. You forget Raven, that I know your body intimately already. I've seen you naked. I know your breasts size, and trust me, they're no longer the sizes they once used to be"

"They're smaller?" Raven frowned

"No dimwit, they're bigger. It's one of the things that confirmed my suspicions, as soon you walked into the room and I had the opportunity to look at you really well. They've become twice as big as they once were. Your hips are wider. Your skin is flush. You might not know it, but within the first two minutes of my coming here, all the while we were talking, I'd already performed my medical examination on you. Simply by looking at you, and studying your new body structure. I'm one of the best around. Which is why Mikhail sent me, and of course, because he trusted me around you, and knew I would not bring you any harm, nor let harm come to you. Your baby bump hasn't started showing however, and your stomach is still mostly flat. That's probably because this is your first pregnancy. How far along are you? Three... Four months?" she cocked an eyebrow

"It's three months. Mistress, you have to promise me. You can't tell Mikhail."

"Oh I most certainly can. And I will, as soon as I leave your house. I'm honour-bound to tell him about my findings, and what I discovered, on the assignment he sent me to do"

"Oh no, please you can't. He can't learn about it this way. I'll tell him myself, when the time is right"

"My sweet, the time is already three months late from being right. You should have told him, the instant you learnt about it. Although that is between you and him, however. My job is simply to report my findings" she continued on stubbornly

"I don't know how Mikhail will take to being a father, or if he even wants a child" Raven whispered weakly

"And you would know how, by telling him. Who knows? It might even get to be a good, therapeutic experience for the both of you, especially him. A child could do him some good in his bleak, bad world" Mistress Rita drawled sarcastically

"Which is why you should let me tell him myself!... In my own time. Tell me, what do I have to do, to get you not to tell him?" Raven requested desperately

"Oh... So you seem to think I can be bribed. Wow. That's mighty rich of you"

"Think? I know you can be bribed Mistress. You always seem to want something out of me"

"And you see? We're back to the same conversation we started it, where we left off from. Which little girl, is going to be sucking my big, fat dick tonight?" Rita enunciated with each word, pure joy setting on her face

"Ew. Mistress that's disgusting! It's a fake... Penis! You're not even going to feel anything, a male with an actual Penis would feel" Raven scrunched her face, feeling irritated.

"You think? You should try out my dick then. It was personally customized for me. And it cost me a hell lot of money to get this done. But the good thing about it, is that I get to feel whatever the dick is feeling. Isn't that cool? It's as close to the real thing, as any fake could ever be. You wouldn't even notice the difference. Same color and all. Come on, this might be fun. I've never fucked a pregnant woman before, especially when she's the girlfriend of my boss"

"No Mistress. I won't do it. But thanks for asking. I sleep with just Mikhail these days. What's even worse than cheating on him with a man, is cheating on him with a woman" Raven made sure not just her words, but also her expression showed just her uninterested and disgusted she was, in doing Rita's stupid bidding.

"Caw, hell. Who said anything about cheating? You righteous blokes, always like to tag offensive words on anything good. Crack... Pornograpy... Now sex is called cheating? That's just terrible."

"Don't blame me, I didn't invent the word. But Mistress...please. You know deep down, it's the right thing to do, and I should be the one telling him, not you" 

"Fine. You tell him then. I doubt I want to be the one to give him that kind of news anyways. But you have to promise me to go for an actual medical check up as soon as you have the chance to do so. I will not let you out the life of my boss' first child, in danger."

"Yes ma'am, I promise I will" Raven grinned

Mistress Rita sighed "The morning sickness has resided right?"

"Yes. I'm entering my next trimester. So the sickness are fading. But the cramps are getting stronger..."

"That's to be expected. Send my greetings to Charlotte. She seems like a really nice girl, to work with. You should bring her to the sex den, when you have the chance."

"No Mistress. I'm not bringing my best friend, anywhere near where you are. Leave her alone. She doesn't need a complication like you, in her life right now"

"Ouch, you hurt me, my sweet"

"You have a heart of ice. I'm almost positively certain nothing can hurt you"

"And you'd be right on track. I should get going. From the plenty gibberish you've said, I take it that Mikhail hasn't contacted you since he left?"

"No he hasn't. And yet he's contacted you" Raven accused Mistress Rita, and the other woman instantly burst out laughing

"Oh, Raven. Mikhail can't not contact me. I'm his life force, here in Philadelphia. His eyes and ears. I answer only to him"

"And what am I?" Raven asked, with a hurt expression

"You're even more. You're his heart. You're his soul. I've never seen him love another, the way he loves you. Which is why you should trust that, and be patient, that he will reach out to you soon."

"Fine. It's not like I have a choice to do anything else" Raven rolled her eyes exasperatedly

"Let me see you off..."

A/N: New Chapter

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A/N: New Chapter. Enjoy...❤️

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