chap 11 ♣DAY 1 Mistakes Bring Pleasure

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"The famous mistress Rita?" Raven asked shocked

"I beg your pardon?"

"If the magazines are to be believed, they say you're related to the Machiavellis' themselves. Dominikov and Dmitri." Raven said bemusedly. The woman was rich beyond measure. What then, was she doing here? Ah, pleasure. Raven got it now. The quest for pleasure really did make one do stupid things, Raven thought

"Now, I was saying something before you interrupted me. And I do hope you don't make a habit of doing that. This is your room, you're not to make any noise while you're here, either sounds of pleasure or sounds of pain. Your clothes for the next seven days, have been laid out in the wardrobe, tagged with the days each of them should be worn, instructions are placed in envelopes on your drawer, and everyday you open the instruction envelope for that day, and obey every instruction written, to the latter. You will be introduced to a lot of persons today, and you will address them either as Master or Mistress, unless stated otherwise. The rules are not the problem. The problem is when you break them. If you obey rules you will be rewarded. If you disobey, you will be punished. Dinner is at 6pm, which gives you less than an hour, to open today's instruction envelope, wear the dress of today, and come downstairs for dinner. Lateness and tardiness would be punished, so that it does not fester. You'll see female servants and male guards all around. If you're ever lost or need to find your way somewhere, ask them. Otherwise instructions for different places are placed on the walls. They can direct you to wherever you wish to go. Now any questions?"

"None at all. You seemed to have covered everything" Rae rocked on her heels, biting her lips

"Good. I'll see myself out. Less than an hour Raven. Don't be late. The dining room is on this floor" and Mistress Rita sauntered off

Rae took her time to stare at her surroundings. It resembled a hotel room. Neat and beautiful. Big and wide too. Checking her time, she saw she had just above thirty minutes, to prepare.

Quickly, she went to the drawer, saw seven big brown envelope, and took out the one adressed as 'Day 1'.

"It's a new day, dear Sub. Day 1. So not much would be assigned to you today. You are to wear the attire mapped out for you in your wardrobe. You are to leave your hair loose, and flowing. You are to come on barefoot. I'm sure by now, you would have been given a part of the rules. Today, you will only watch the scenes played out before you, in preparation for tomorrow, and what would be expected of you by then. Whatever else you are required to do, would be communicated to you'

She put the letter back into the envelope, went to the wardrobe, and her breath immediately stopped, as she took out the dress for the day.

She could never wear this, she would look like a cheap whore! But then she didn't want to anger Mikhail, remembering what he'd done to her last time.

It was a red bikini made of ropes! No cloth. An interworking assessment of ropes, it somehow served as a patch enough to cover her nipples and part of her breasts, while it wove around her neck and arms as she wore it. It connected to the lower regions as well, that interwove to cover her vagina and the crease of her buttocks, but other than that, the rest of her arse was on display! It came with a long kimani jacket that reached her ankles, so she donned that on as well, quickly belting it around her, to cover the offensive material she was presently wearing underneath.

Mistress Rita was right. It was easy to know where to go, by the direction written on the walls.

She had really sensitive feet so she was very aware of how cool the ground beneath her was, seeing she was on bare feet. She had wanted to obey all instructions to the latter because she thought to herself. The easier I do all they want me to do, the faster I leave this place!

Finally she got to the door that read 'Dining Room', opened, and walked in.

It was a table that could sit twelve persons and eleven were already sitted, they'd started eating already. Fuck! She glanced at the clock there, and saw it was 7:05pm. She was five minutes late!

"I'm sorry I'm late" she blurted out, quickly going to take her seat, and just as she was about to sit down, she winced. Ouch! Fuck! It was mere self preseverance that caused her from screaming out. She'd stepped on something sharp, with her bare feet. She looked down to see what it was. It was a hairpin. Just fucking great. Her foot had started bleeding, though not so badly. She cursed under her breath, why would anyone want anyone to move about on bare feet? She promptly sat down though, before she embarrassed herself or drew any more attention to her.

She helped herself to an apple, a piece of cake, plus a glass of red wine. Her stomach was too tied up in knots, for her to eat much else. The only persons she recognized were Mikhail, Mistress Rita, seating one side, then the guard she'd met at the door, sitting on the other side.

She assumed all the masters were sitted on Mikhail's side, and the slaves were on her own side. Then that would make that guy who'd brought up her stuff a slave as well. She didn't yet know his name, but she planned to find out.

No conversation went on at the table. Everyone concentrated on what they were eating. There was assortments and varieties of food and fruits, condiments, additives placed on the table like a buffet party, for you to choose whatever you wanted to eat. An hour later, when they had all finished eating, Mikhail got up, and everyone seemed to as well, so she got up too.

It was as if everyone was in a universally silent agreement not to converse with each other. It was okay though, it's not as if she wanted to converse with them as well. But it was just that, she had  lots and lots of questions! Like where the bloody hell where they even going, and what where they going to do, when they got there!?...


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop the another chapter of SEVEN DAYS OF SIN (SDOS)

Pardon any typo errors, this is the first draft, I won't have the time to edit yet, until I'm done with the novel. But if you see anyone you can kindly point them out to me, in the comment section. It would be immensely appreciated.

I've decided to be updating SDOS every weekend. So a chapter every week, or 2 chapters if I'm feeling up to it, or wasn't so busy that week...

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