chap 14 ♣ Day 1 A Thin Line Between Pleasure & Pain

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She felt him raise the whip, and down it came on her arse, with all the fury it possessed and she screamed! Once more, struggling against her hold.

"I didn't hear you count one. So I'll scrap that, and flog you again"

"No, no. I counted it in my mind. I counted it out in my scream. Please let's just move on" Raven argued, howling out in pain.

"Rules are rules slave Raven. Count out, was what I said."

And the whip came down once more on her arse. Blinding pain was all she could see, but in the midst of that she managed to say

"Good. That's very good"

Whip! Whip! Simultaneous weepings on her two butt cheeks

She screamed! "Arrghhh! Two....three.... Please stop. Please stop. It's painful, you're hurting me. Mikhail please. I'll do all you ask as from now on" she struggled out, trying to wiggle her hips to ease the pain

Then she felt his hands, right on her arse, rubbing it, trying to help her soothe the pain away. At least she was able to take some relief from that. The sensation was mind blowing

"You can take it little one. Concentrate on the pain, don't let it conquer you. Welcome it, revel in it, let it feed you and have your way into pleasure. Remember what I promised you that first day. That there is nothing I'll do to you, that isn't aimed at bringing you immense pleasure. This is no different" He instructed

Whip! Whip! He flogged her twice again, and she squealed, shuddering, as she heard herself count out "four and five"

He was mad! How did he expect her to get pleasure from this? He was fucking insane!

"Good. That's good."

He flogged her again "whip! Whip!"

"Six! Seven!" She screamed out once more, quivering, tiny tremors racking through her entire body, shaking her. The pain had subsided, probably because her arse had gotten almost numb from pain, not because he had reduced the intensity with which he delivered it.

"Just so you know little one, you're wet. And very much so. Which tells me exactly one thing.
You're aroused"

"Liar. You're lying!" She bit out, still trembling

"Am I? You can't feel the wetness between your legs? Let me show you just how aroused and strung up you are" he responded

Nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. Mikhail pressed a vibrator at high speed, directly at her clit. And she came. Instantly. Screaming out his name

"Fuuuuuck! Oh god Mikhail. Oh my.....ahhhhhh.....oh.... Master!" She writhed and sobbed against the sensations hitting her all at once.

Who was this person? Because this wasn't her. She couldn't be aroused from pain. Ever! She had fucking low pain tolerance for crying out loud. Who was this new person Mikhail was remodeling within her?

When she'd come down from the high, temporary bliss, Mikahail resumed the whipping again, and this time around, very much to her shame, she moaned out the counts, instead of screaming in pain, as she once had.

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