chap 18 ♣DAY 3 Wrestled & Fucked(i)

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Raven woke up with a start, glancing at her alarm, she saw she'd overslept. It was 8am, and breakfast was to supposed to have started by 8am.

Quickly getting off the bed, she rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush her teeth, and came back to the room.

She promptly went to the drawer. She was about to bring out the envelope for Day Three, when she heard a knock on her door

Oh no! Maybe they'd sent someone over, to bring her for punishment.

Stilling her nerves, she calmly answered "Come in. The Door isn't locked". She temporarily forgot about the envelope. She was ready to defend her case, on how tired and worked up she'd been last night, and how that had made her oversleep.

The door opened, and surprisingly, it was Mikhail that walked in, she retreated back a bit, pressing herself against the closed drawer.

"Mikhail. Good....good morning. Um.... what....what are you doing here" she stammered out.

"I came to see you" he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes

"Aren't you supposed to be in the dining, having breakfast?" She asked. She couldn't move backward any further. She was already pressed to the long lengthed drawer. And he'd come to stand right in front of her, caging her in, between himself and the drawer behind

"I came to have another sort of breakfast" was all he said, before he stooped down and captured her mouth in his, teasing her lips until she gave him entry. His mouth mercilessly roamed over hers, and her knees buckled, for the weight of the hungered assault, thankful, his hands on her, kept her still standing.

When his lips reluctantly left hers, she was trembling, and not from cold. What was wrong with her? It was just a kiss for crying out loud. Yet her heart refused to stop it's fast-paced beating. Yet all her body wanted to do, was beg him for more. But she did the opposite instead. Her logical side taking over

"Mikhail, no. I'm not going to sleep with you, unless I absolutely have to. Or I'm required to. And this is not one of those times. So you can't make me. Don't forget what this is. A business arrangement. Nothing more. An I'm simply doing my part. You were the one who once told me that as long as I'm in this room, no sexual obligations will be asked or required of me. That it's my choice, to choose who goes or stay in my room. So I want you to go. Right now. Don't try to deceive yourself that we're actually friends. Because we're not. Or that you can come in here any day, just to soothe or scratch an itch that you have, because you can't. And that's not my problem. There are many other girls here that you can scratch your sexual itch with. I despise you. Get this Mikhail. I fuck you, because I have to. Outside that, we are nothing. Noth...."

He cut her off, by planting his lips back on hers, forcefully this time, he wasn't asking. He was taking. And taking roughly. She tried to push him off, but he wasn't budging. Instead he ripped off her bathrobe, picking her up and dumping her on the bed, following immediately to continue his kissing.

She kept on hitting his broad chest with her hands, but he wasn't budging, and soon enough, a pair of handcuffs, appeared from his pockets, and he cuffed her two hands together. Rasing them up, and clipping it to a hook at the head of her bed

"No Mikhail. No. Don't do this. I'll hate you for this" Raven bit out.

But she could as well have been talking to air. He dragged his lips down her neck.
"I wish I could stop Babochka. I wish I could. I can't get you out of my head. Out of my mind. Out of my system. Christ! What are you doing to me?" He sounded in pain, in agony. He'd stopped kissing her, clutching his head with both hands.

And she trembled, because that was exactly how she felt too. What was this? She couldn't put a definition on what was going on between them. This guy couldn't be her future. This couldn't possibly lead anywhere, except to future heartbreaks. He possessed everything she hated in a guy. He was too rash. He made her loose control. He made her question herself. He set her life in dissaray. He thrived on riches, popularity and the despicable. She led too much of a quiet life, to ever be involved with someone this unstable. Unpredictable. She'd never be at peace. She'd always be in a state of excitement and consistent worry, if she let things go any further than this. Her normal life would be lost. He had the ability to suck people in. He'd suck her in as well. But the knowledge of all of that, still didn't stop her from raising herself up, bringing her mouth to meet his, even while her hands were still bound

He kissed her back, taking it deeper, taking the lead, refusing to release her hands, even when she practically begged him to do so.

His large, callous, hands cupped both of her breasts, shaping them, molding them, tweaking the nipples, until his mouth went lower and replaced his hands, on her breasts.


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop another chapter of SEVEN DAYS OF SIN (SDOS)

Pardon any typo errors, this is the first draft, I won't have the time to edit yet, until I'm done with the novel. But if you see anyone you can kindly point them out to me, in the comment section. It would be immensely appreciated.

I've decided to be updating SDOS every weekend. So a chapter every week, or 2 chapters if I'm feeling up to it, or wasn't so busy that week...

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