chap 2 ♣ A Bad Date(ii)

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Raven was the current manager of Standford bank, the Philadelphia branch that is. They had so many other branches across America, and she was one of their youngest Managers. They held a meeting every three months. All the managers, Shareholders, CEO and founder of the entire bank itself, and basically, every other person holding a high position in the bank, so that they could acquaint themselves with each other. It was like some sort of weekend retreat. Friday to Sunday evening. They would organize a party, then a business meeting where every manager stood up to address the rest of the group on the tidbit details currently going on in the various bank branches that they've been placed as head over, and lot more activities.

This came to her mind now, because the next 3-month retreat was just 3 weeks away. And they were holding it in Philadelphia this time around. Yes, her country was hosting. And usually what the investors did in any country that was hosting, they always came around to the Standford bank in that country, to check it out. Their books, workers welfare, customers' happiness, income coming in, how much expenditure being made both necessary and unnecessary, the appearance of the bank and what had been improved on, how accurately they kept records, and current things being done in the bank that could lead to possible disasters, they checked it all.

And Raven was nervous. Sure her books were in order, and to the best of her abilities, she'd made the Standford bank in Philadelphia to a smashing success, but how did one convince a bunch of tweny, old rich men, that the banks were running as smoothly as it could?

And yeah, it fell on her to provide them with accommodation and feeding while they were here in Philadelphia, until the major retreat began. So they'd probably arrive two weeks time, and use a few days to check out her bank, before the retreat began in 3 weeks time.

So honestly, she did not have time to go on stupid dates like this one, and she needed to warn Charlotte of that. Because she wouldn't put it pass Charlotte, to try to set up another blind date just like this one, for her.

Not only had she and Charlotte been best friends since childhood, Charlotte was also her personal assistant at the office. Plus they were roommates. They had both rented the same condo. So really, they saw each other everyday, and everywhere.

Finally, she got home. The gatemen opened the gate, and she drove in. It seemed superfluous that just the two of them lived in this big condo, but they both loved their spaces, and at the same time, wanted to live together. So they decided to rent a big house, so they didn't crowd each other, but at the same time, were still living close together.

She could stay in the house for days, and not run into Charlotte, because She occupied the up floor, and Charlotte stayed at the down floor. But if she however did need to speak with Charlotte at any time, she was just a mere floor away. So by the by, it was a perfect arrangement.

Getting down from her car, grabbing her purse, phone and keys, she walked to the door, unlocked it, and went straight to Charlotte's room. As usual, it was unlocked. Charlotte was flopped on the bed, sketching on her sketch pad. Oh yeah, did she forget to mention Charlotte was an amazing artist as well?

"Hey my baby gurlll!!! How was your date? Tell me, tell me, I wanna know everything!" Char gushed excitedly, the moment she noticed Raven

Raven deciding to punish Char by not answering immediately, and simply began pulling her clothes and heels, and well, every other thing she could pull off, earrings, necklace, bangles, heaping them all on the floor. Then going over to Char's room-fridge and helping herself to a bottle of water, before going over to sit on Charlotte's bed as well.

"It was awful" she finally replied

"Awful how?"

"The guy was more interested in knowing the colour of my panties, and what he was going to see, if he removed them, than in knowing who I actually was."

"What? No way! And that guy seemed like a really nice gentleman when we were checking him out on the dating app!"

"Yeah well, looks can be deceiving. It turns out he wasn't"

"Awwn. Come here baby. You must have felt bad, knowing you. After all the efforts we both put into the preparation. I wish I was there with you. Now I feel bad for pushing you out on the date"

Gingerly, Raven went into Charlotte's arms, curling herself. She needed this. To be held by someone who for once, loved her for her. And if that turned out to be a girl, then so be it.

"It wasn't all that bad though. At least I got to taste the food, and wear this fine dress for the first time..." Raven said, as a way of comfort, not willing to think the whole event had been wasted.

"Yeah, I guess so. Haha! Maybe we could go there one of these days. Just the both of us, hmm? How does that sound?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice. It would not be the first time people referred to us as lesbians." Raven mused, already feeling sleepy, but still managing to give a smile regardless, remembering all the times people, including their co-workers had mistaken Charlotte and her for lesbians. They were just really good friends that's all. That was the last thought on her mind, as she dozed off to sleep, still in Charlotte's arms.


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop the another chapter of SEVEN DAYS OF SIN (SDOS)

Pardon any typo errors, this is the first draft, I won't have the time to edit yet, until I'm done with the novel. But if you see anyone you can kindly point them out to me, in the comment section. It would be immensely appreciated.

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