76.9K 1.2K 49

You guys have blown me completely and utterly out of my mind!!!
Let me explain...

3 days ago, I check the reads on this book, and it is exactly 5k reads. Today, as of right now, Seven Days Of Sin now has 37k reads you guys! In just 3 days!!!
Which means an extra 32k persons read this work! That is so fucking amazing!!!

I just wanna thank you guys for all the love, all the support, I write better because of the audience I have here, they make me want to write more and put more works out there...

I want to be able to give back to you guys, someway, somehow. So I wanna do a GIVEAWAY!!! plus a SEQUEL for this book. The giveaway is linked to the sequel!

OMG! you can't even understand what's happening to me! I am completely blown away by you guys! I never do a sequel, no matter how good or interesting a book I've written is, I never do a sequel! Because there are other story ideas for me to go after, or novels waiting for me to write them. And there's every chance that I might do a sequel and get bored, or ruin the whole story for the readers, or no longer know how to finish it. So it's like a quit-while-you're-ahead kind of thing for me, which is why in the past, I've never done a SEQUEL, for any of my books!

But guess what??? All that changed when I saw just how much people were invested in reading this novel!!! So yeah, a giveaway and a sequel, is what we're going to do.

So please don't delete this book from your reading list when you've finished reading it. Because the SEQUEL will he written or continued, right here on this book SEVEN DAYS OF SIN. I'm not going to be writing another book to put in the sequel. No! It will be continued right here, on this story, but will be demarcated as BOOK2 or simply a SEQUEL.

NOW, unto the giveaway I'm gonna do. Here's how it's going to be.

I want you the reader, to be really involved in this sequel or Book 2. What do you want to see happen to the characters? What do you want to see in Book 2?? Are there sexual scenes you think these characters need to experience that I did not cover? Or write well? Basically, just tell me in not more than 500 words, what you want me to write or add in the SEQUEL, and place it down in the comment section of this chapter. For example, let me give a template:

1) One of the public viewers who came to watch Mikahail and Raven perform in a sexual scenes, sneaks in a phone and records them. A video. And wants to blakcmail Raven, for it. That if she doesn't do what he demands, the video will get leaked out! Now, a video like this, Mikahail doesn't care, because he's naturally a sexual being. But Raven does. So she secretly tries to meet with the guy asking what he wants??

2) Raven gets kidnapped? She's locked in a tower, tortured without food or drink for days by a cruel man. And asked to repeat the same sexual acts she'd had with Mikahail, but this time, it's gonna be 3 days of Sin. Otherwise, she'd never see Mikahail again...?

3) •••
4) •••
5) •••

(Yikes! So now it feels as if I'm giving spoilers already 😂. I'm sorry guys, if I'm giving way too much spoilers for book 2).

But anyways, the story idea doesn't have to be Soooo long. But it shouldn't be so short either. Basically in 5 long sentences like the one I wrote up there for example, (those were my own thoughts for what I wanted to happen in the sequel) write like an almost complete storyline, or a catching one rather, of what you think should happen in the SEQUEL. Highlight the main scenes you wish to happen. And I'll complete the story from there, if I do get to choose your idea as the winner.

The ones I wrote above, are my ideas. You can either use them and add to it, to make yours, or you can make whole brand new ideas that are entirely different from that one entirely. And if it's more interesting than mine was, it will definitely be picked!


first of all, I'll be picking 2 winners! That I absolutely love their storyline!!! And all the entries that were dropped in the comment section, I'm going to copy them all out, and write it as one chapter in this book. The next chapter. So that other readers who're not participating in the Giveaway, can comment as well, that way, I won't be the only judge. They can comment on the idea they too like best.


> a FOLLOW from me

> I'll personally read one of their works if they have any, vote and drop my honest comment or input about the book

> A free book cover from me!!! Also, for if they have any books. I make amazing book covers here on wattpad. for those who don't know.

> The whole of Book 2 of SDOS would be dedicated to the both winners, for your amazing story ideas

> You get a personally written 'Thank You' from me on your profile page, but not written by me exactly. Written by Raven!!! The main female protagonist of this book! Yeah, so Raven gets to tell you thank you and just how much she appreciates you for wanting to continue her story.

> One of your books will be added to my reading list, so that it can get more publicized and more people can come across it to read it!

>A sticker! On any of your books you want me to make the cover for. So I'll just make the cover for the book, and then add the sticker to it, as the WINNER OF SEVEN SINS! You're going to find an example of the sticker or exactly how the sticker looks like, on the cover of this book! I'm going to add the Sticker to the cover of this book so you can see how it looks like. It'll read Winner of SevenSins contest!!!

> Yes, an automatic FOLLOW from me as well, cause I love you so much and really appreciate your input.

> Any of your books if you have any published here on Wattpad, would be added to my reading list for greater publicity!

> A chapter dedication to you, on Book 2!

>A very lengthy message on your profile saying a very personal and bereft thank you, from Raven, the main female protagonist of this story, for wanting to continue her story!

>>>This is why it's tagged a GIVEAWAY you guys, because everyone who even participates at all, wins something!!! I really wanted to find a way to give back to you guys,for all that you do for me. And this is it! I want to be invested in you, the way you've invested in me here, on wattpad. I don't know you all, but I love you nonetheless. Anytime I open wattpad app, all I see are your comments everyday, your likes, your follows, my notifications bar is constantly beeping, and it really brings a smile to my face, and makes my day every single time. So this is my little way of giving back, I can only hope little goes a long way.

♣♥♣ Now, the contest is going to be opened from today, 23rd of May, and then end 5th of June, which is exactly 2 weeks!!! And the winners will be announced on the 12th of June!!! That way I can give the readers a week interval, to comment on the story line they like best!

So I really want you guys to participate in this alright?! Give me your feedbacks. I've never done something like this before. Neither a giveaway, nor a sequel nor any contest, for that matter.
So just show me some love on this, and participate!!! 😋😋😋

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