Chapter One

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Korn wasn't sure he was going to make it home before Yut and his gang caught up with him. It was his fault for running his mouth at them. They were bullying an underclassman just because he had the misfortune of being smaller than them. Apparently, nobody had stood up to them before. They were now violently intent on putting him firmly back in his place.

"If you think you can come over here and make us look bad we will teach you a proper lesson." That is what Yut had shouted at him when he showed them the finger and headed to school.

Korn was safe in the confines of the school compound and he soon forgot about the bully and his buddies. That is until he was heading home.

They'd ambushed him after class and while he'd managed to get in a few good jabs so had they. There were too many of them and getting beat up by some random thugs wasn't on his list of after-school activities. So he hit out at the leader as hard as he could. When Yut went down and his friends went to help him, Korn took off in the opposite direction.

He was faster than them but they were still gaining on him. Shouting threats and throwing things he didn't have time to identify in his general direction. He just prayed they had bad aim and kept running.

The entrance to the floating market was in sight. Once he was inside, the maze of boats and corridors and awnings would serve as more than enough protection. But Yut and his boys were right behind him and they were closing in. Then he felt someone grab him by the scruff of his neck and pull him into a shop right before he could get to the entrance of the first barge. He was about to throw a punch but recognized the boy holding him and he was not one of Yut's buddies.

"Mew...what are you doing?" Korn was out of breath and sweating profusely but that didn't seem to bother his schoolmate.

"Saving you from those assholes."

Korn smiled at Mew like he was acknowledging a co-conspirator. He knew the other boy had run into Yut and the gang a few times as well. There was no love lost between them. Korn didn't know what they had against Mew, but like himself, the other guy was capable of holding his own against them.

It didn't mean they couldn't or wouldn't beat the crap out of both of them. Korn and Mew were just lucky enough to be able to give back as good as they got.

That didn't work for Yut and his gang. For them, the only way to win a fight was to make sure they had done as much damage to the other party while they were completely unscathed. Anything less was a hollow victory. For anyone who had ever fought against them hitting back was the only way to get back at them for being a bunch of jackasses.

"What did you do to piss them off?" Mew asked when he saw Yut and another guy rush past them and into the market.

"I called them out for bullying some kid earlier," Korn answered smiling with smug satisfaction. "They were not happy about it."

"You would think, since they know they are bullies, they wouldn't mind someone pointing out the obvious," Mew said finally stepping back when it looked like all the members of the gang were now in the market and probably getting lost in that maze as they spoke. "I doubt you'll be able to get home right now but you are welcome to hang out here while we wait."

The invitation came out of nowhere and Korn was momentarily taken aback. This was Mew Suthapong. They didn't hang out. In fact, they were as different as two people could be. Korn had nothing against him, he just didn't want to spend any more time there than he had to.

"I have an assignment I have to finish before tomorrow," Korn answered worriedly. A deep crease marring his forehead.

"I have the same assignment. Perhaps we can work on it together." Mew offered.

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