Chapter Twenty Two

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Everything went by so fast, Mew thought to himself as he packed his book bag and checked his uniform for the umpteenth time.

The holidays were over and it was time to go back to school but it didn't feel like they'd had a chance to do half the things he wanted to. Korn had finished his bike and taken him on a ride even though it wasn't the one he had in mind when he made fun of him.

They had taken P'Kavitra back to university and she'd given them an impromptu tour even though the place was essentially closed to outsiders until the rest of the university opened. Mew had been in awe of the whole place. He could imagine what it would be like to be a student there when he graduated but he couldn't see clearly how it might turn out. He was eager to find out what it felt like to be a university student.

Korn had been there before so it didn't hold as much interest for him. He wanted to know what his sister was going to do now that she had finally finished her thesis, defending it and was just waiting on graduation.

"You know I want to teach. So, from now until I get a job, it's applications and interviews until I lose my mind."

They had found it funny at the time but Mew had realized later that she wasn't joking. That is what people did. It felt very real for him at that moment and he wasn't sure if it was dread or excitement that was making his stomach feel funny.

Mew finally had enough of checking and rechecking his school supplies and left the house. There was only one other place he wanted to be. With quick feet, he headed over to Korn's house.

"Are you all set for tomorrow?" He asked as soon as he made his way into Korn's room.

"Yeah," Korn said as he too put his books and uniform together. The only difference is that he had his sports gear set out as well. "I'm not sure how things are going to be with the basketball season this year but I'd like to think this is our last chance to do something amazing."

"I'll be in the bleachers cheering you on."

"Just like you were last term."

"Only this time, I think I've earned a special place, right?" Giving Korn a lingering kiss.

"Definitely a special place," Korn kissed him back just as fervently, turning what should have been a simple acknowledgement into a full make-out session.

"Jeez...Korn...have you given any more thought to what we talked about?" Mew asked, desperately trying to get closer.

"Mmhmm..." He answered but didn't stop kissing Mew.

"Ahhghng...are you going to...tell me...?" He hissed with reaction when Korn pinched his nipple through his shirt.

Korn didn't reply. He just turned their bodies and started pushing Mew backwards until his knees hit the edge of the bed. But Korn didn't stop moving forward and Mew was forced backwards until they both fell in a tangle of limbs.

Korn raised himself up long enough to look at Mew. Taking in the sight of him until Mew was a little embarrassed by the intense scrutiny. Korn was about to say something but changed his mind. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed Mew again and again until they were both breathless.

He started pulling off Mew's clothes. Worshipping every part of his body as he revealed it. His eyes, hands and mouth offered up their benediction and Mew had to take it. Wanted it desperately. Korn didn't leave him hanging. He satisfied his every need until there was no doubt that he was wanted; desired.

Naked beneath Korn's ministrations, Mew felt out of control. He wanted to catch his breath, figure out what Korn intended to do, but he couldn't. His companion was using everything in his power to scatter every thought and when he could not fight against the onslaught of pleasure, he finally gave up and let Korn do whatever he wanted.

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