Chapter Thirty-Two

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"You know what the best part of all this is?" Korn asked Mew as they walked home after they had finished all their term requirements and could finally start their holiday.


"I get to do this with you," He said, throwing a hand over Mew's shoulder.

They had spent the better part of their morning cleaning up the school and getting their desks from the exam hall back into their classrooms. They had returned all the borrowed books and collected all their term assignments and continuous assessment tests.

The only thing they hadn't needed to do were the parent-teacher conferences. The assumption was if they hadn't figured things out by now, it was too late to fix it. Korn wouldn't have minded having his parents come over and listen to his teachers bragging on him. It was a welcome change from all the times they had looked at him with mild disappointment and confusion at his unwillingness to try harder.

Mew was glad not to have to deal with the stress of someone having an opinion about his work. He didn't want to think about how stressful it had all been. Watching Korn goofing around was just the right medicine to ease his troubled mind.

He laughed happily; Korn's mood proving to be infectious. He had to agree with his assessment. Having Korn around had definitely reduced some of the stress of the last couple of weeks. He didn't want to imagine what it would have been like if he didn't have someone watching out for him and keeping him from panicking. Yet he hadn't been able to put it behind him. He'd still been a wreck for most of their papers and he didn't think it would get better. He feared it would get worse.

Korn let out a whoop of joy that distracted him from his dark thoughts, "We are finally free."

"What are you on about?" Mew asked.

Korn leapt into the air and pumped his fists making Mew laugh even harder, "Exams are over and the season is out. Sure...we didn't make it to the finals but we did well enough for the guys to get the right kind of attention. I've made up my mind about what I want to do and we are both sure to get into college. This is awesome."

"It is."

"There are no sports for final year students in our last term," Korn explained. "I figure I'll have all the time to relax over the holidays."

"Actually, I was thinking we should keep a steady study schedule even over the holidays. Not as intense as during the term but something to keep things fresh in our head."

They had arrived at Mew's door and he was taking his time opening it. The conversation occupying them both and slowing him down. But at his suggestion, Korn gave him a look that suggested he might be out of his mind.

"This is our last holiday before whatever comes next," Korn said incredulously, "We should take full advantage."

"We'll have a holiday before we get into university," Mew said offhand, "It will be the one we can have some fun with. You know...when there isn't anything weighing us down anymore."

"I am not saying you're not right to worry about next term. You want to get into medical school and that is going to be tough. But I also know that you can't study all the time."

"If you had your way we'd fuck all the time," Mew said with a cheeky smile.

Korn liked the look on him and he moved closer to whisper in Mew's ear, "Make love...there's a difference."

"Korn...!" Mew warned.

Korn kissed him on the side of his mouth. Then he kissed the other side of his mouth. Then when Mew was about to protest again, he kissed him right in the centre. It sent a spear of reaction through his entire body and he was moaning and shivering just from that one action.

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