Chapter Five

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Korn didn't know if what Mew said was true. He'd never paid attention to other people because he thought they didn't have much interest in him. But once the situation was pointed out he couldn't help being a little more vigilant.

It was interesting to notice how people reacted to him. But even more telling was how they reacted to Mew, and the both of them when they were together.

His teammates had not been exaggerating when they suggested they acted like a couple. They were not the only ones who thought so. Other people were just a little more subtle about the accusations – and their behaviour around them.

He wanted to deny it. To tell them to mind their own business but Korn knew any kind of denial was tantamount to an admission of guilt. So he kept quiet and let people think whatever they wanted. It didn't really make a difference to him.

But there was a part of him that celebrated gleefully at the prospect that no-one was making a pass at him or Mew because they thought they were together. Korn was more than happy to go with the flow. To let his relationship with Mew unfold however it would. But he wasn't willing to admit that he was hopeful that there was something more between them and time would only make it more apparent.

Something that could make the feeling of being completely out of his depth make sense. Something that would justify both the terror and excitement he felt whenever he made plans to see the other boy.

That is why he was more than a little afraid of Yut and his buddies. It wasn't because he couldn't hold his own against them. It was more because Yut seemed to know something he didn't. Whenever Korn had the misfortune of bumping into him it felt like Yut was waiting for some kind of confirmation so he could pounce and destroy him in the most fundamental way.

There was no way to protect himself against something like that. At least, that is what Korn told himself.

Until he found Yut and his friends harassing yet another kid from their school. They were using the kid as a ping pong ball as they pushed him between them. Finding it extra amusing whenever he tripped on their feet and landed on the ground. Or when he cried out in pain whenever their punches landed a little too accurately.

"Seriously, what the hell is your problem?" Korn asked Yut and his friends the exasperation overriding his caution.

"What do you care?" Yut answered belligerently as he held the boy he was currently doing his best to intimidate by the scruff of his neck, "Why do you always feel the need to butt into my business?"

"Because you seem intent on making other people's lives miserable just because you are a miserable fuck already."

Yut cackled maliciously and looked at his friends who laughed along with him even though there was nothing funny, "I am doing a service to the community.

"You see this little shit here is a fag or perhaps just a fag waiting to happen. After all, a boy shouldn't be so pretty. So I'm toughening him up because he's going to need it later on in life. Right?" He asked shaking the little boy who nodded quickly seemingly aware of the consequences of not agreeing as quickly as he could.

"So you go around picking on people you think are gay because..." Korn left the question hanging waiting for Yut or one of his friends to fill in the blank. He was not disappointed.

"Because they are filthy creatures who should be ashamed of the nasty things they are doing."

Korn knew it was a good time to get away from Yut and his friends because every word the bully uttered was making him angrier and angrier. But he couldn't help the desire to make Yut eat his words. Plus there was no way he was going to leave the kid in his grasp to fend for himself.

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