Chapter Six

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"That was..." Korn started when they were finally clear of Yut and his gang.

"Intense?" Mew finished for him.

They had run as far and as fast as they could from Yut and his gang just to be sure the fallen men didn't get a second wave of energy and come after them. Nobody had been in a position to chase after them but Mew and Korn weren't willing to take any chances. Their luck could only hold out so long before it ran out.

"Remind me never to get into a fight with you."

"Never going to happen," Mew assured him.

The two laughed together but it tittered off awkwardly. There was too much unspoken between them, and while each was keeping his own council, their continued reticence was getting ridiculously obvious. All the things neither of them were willing to say hung heavily between them. Creating barriers that should have been bridges.

Mew didn't want to explain; not what he knew and not how he felt. The consequences were too dire and after seeing what it had come to with Yut he didn't dare even speak about it. But Korn was looking at him like that is exactly what he was waiting for. An explanation to make the things he'd said to the gang leader and his friends make sense. Mew hated that whatever story he told about Yut would also involve telling truths about himself he was only too happy to keep hidden.

"Want to get something to drink?" Korn asked as he nodded in the direction of a food stall they had eaten at before. It served fresh juice as part of the menu and both of them had taken advantage many times.

"Why don't we go to my place? I think we'll have more privacy there."

Mew wanted to smack himself in the face but doing a classic facepalm would give him away. He just couldn't believe that his brain offered up the innuendo and only recognized it after it had slipped out of his mouth.

Luckily Korn seemed oblivious of both his blush and his discomfort so he did his best to relax and let the moment pass. The disappointment coming quickly after making him want to cry. His brain hadn't yet decided if he wanted Korn to figure him out or not.

Nobody was home when they arrived but Korn was probably accustomed to that. His parents both worked and while they all had a system that kept the household running, it was common for Mew to be home alone for most of the day.

Mew immediately poured them water from the fridge when the two of them were situated in his kitchen. "Or do you want something else? Juice?"

"What I want is for you to sit down and relax because the way you are acting is making me feel a lot nervous."

Mew thought he was hiding his feelings better but he was wrong. "You can't say a lot nervous."

"It's more than a little and it's your fault...I can say whatever I want." Korn defended himself quickly. Then like he knew Mew was trying to distract him, he immediately asked, "What's the story with you and Yut?"

Mew didn't want to answer. He most definitely didn't want to be sitting across from Korn. Seeing how intently the other boy was looking at him made him feel like he wanted to come out of his skin...or just run away and never be seen again. He couldn't do either one. Leaving him only one option; to explain. He hated how inevitable it felt.

He inhaled slowly to calm himself down. Took a large swallow of the water he hadn't yet touched. Then looked up at Korn who was waiting with remarkable patience.

"We were friends growing up." He said softly.

"And you're not anymore." It was a statement not a question so Mew didn't feel the need to answer. "What does he have against you...against me?"

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