Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Come on...take a break," Korn whined.

"I want to finish this," Mew tried to explain while deflecting the fingers Korn was poking into his side.

"You can finish it later. There is a show going on right now and you are missing it because you want to read about..." Korn took the book Mew was reading and checked the page, "...matrices...really? You couldn't even find a topic that was more fun to learn?"

"Just...give it back."

"Fine. You can have it back if you give me a kiss."

"Why can't you be serious?" Mew finally exploded. "This is not a joke and yet you keep acting like it is."

"You need to lighten up a bit, Mew. We're on holiday. I'm not asking you to waste your entire day, a few hours to have a little fun won't hurt. You can relax and get some sun so you don't start to look all pasty and unhealthy." Korn cajoled his boyfriend as well as he could, "Come on..."

"No." Mew retorted, "I want to finish this. Then maybe I can do something else later."

"Are you serious?"

Korn couldn't believe Mew was opting to spend his afternoon indoors studying matrices instead of heading to the mall with him to watch the latest blockbuster movie. Then again, when Korn allowed himself to think about it, he could believe it. He just wished there was a way to change Mew's mind.

"Why do you think I am joking? Don't I look serious enough for you? Is that it?"

"You're serious enough for the both of us and a classroom full of students," Korn shouted

"I'm trying to get better at this now because I was having trouble with it before. You already know this." Mew shouted back.

"You are trying too hard to be perfect and there is no such thing. You don't need to study need to figure out a way not to lose your breakfast before every exam."

"So you think I shouldn't bother."

"That is not what I said. I said you can't be perfect. I already told you, you are amazing. Reading more—studying every hour of every day—that's not going to help. That's just going to make you crazy."

"You don't understand."

"Actually...I think I'm the one person who understands."

" get it. So get this...maybe you should go. Have fun at the...whatever."

"You're not coming with me?"


Korn nodded. He wanted to shout and drag Mew with him by force but that was not going to work. So he grabbed the jacket he'd thrown on Mew's bed and put it on, "See you later."

He stomped out of the house but had to stop to get his bearings. Determined to figure out what he had done before Mew came into his life, he walked away in a huff. Grumbling to himself and cursing Mew for being so pig-headed.

Korn didn't have a good time. He wanted to share the experience with Mew not just hang out at the mall or—after much consideration—the fair. It wasn't the same without his boyfriend there. Korn realised he would rather study with Mew for the umpteenth time than standing around at a fairground by himself.

It was easy for him to figure out what to do once he'd come to that conclusion. He went to some of his favourite stalls and picked up a selection of snacks. Taking a motorbike taxi back home, he made it to Mew's place while the food was still hot. Mew's mother was happy to let him in with instructions to get Mew to relax.

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