Chapter Fourteen

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It was like lighting a powder keg. The way Korn felt was new and volatile and impossible to deny. He didn't even have the wherewithal to be afraid of what might show on his face anymore. He was horny all the time. Korn had come to a new understanding of why Mew had been acting so strange for the week leading up to their first encounter.

Korn felt like he was waking up. Or rather that his dormant sexual appetite had awakened. He couldn't believe it was something that had been there all along. The obsession his friends had with sex now made sense. He understood how they could spend so many hours of their day dedicated to thinking about it, trying to get it or talking about the times they 'got lucky'.

He also knew there were a few who weren't telling the truth about their lack of experience. There was no way to hide just how great it felt. Language was limited in its ability to describe how awesome it was to be with someone else.

"Something is different about you." Game mentioned as they walked to practise with the rest of the team.

" look like someone told you you're last incarnation was a dung beetle. But you really like dung beetles." Nat said.

"What are you even talking about?" Korn asked with a frown.

"You look happy and sad at the same time," Nat said with a shrug.

It was very perceptive of him. That was exactly how he felt.

Everything had changed, yet it was exactly the same. He wanted more of Mew. But there was such a thing as too much, wasn't there? Could he get everything he wanted and not risk everything he had? It didn't seem possible but for once he thought it might be worthwhile to give it a try.

Then he remembered all the reasons he couldn't or shouldn't and he was back at square one. Only now, square one also included what it felt like to have Mew. The pendulum of his emotion kept swinging.

"He said what..." Mew asked when he explained what had happened with Nat before practice.

"You heard means I look happy and sad."


"Because I can't stop thinking about us...doing...that...," Korn stuttered. "And I don't know how to go back to the way things were before. Not that I even want to."

Mew couldn't stop laughing when he was finally able to understand what Korn meant.

"What about anything I just said makes you think it's funny?"

"Nothing. I thought I was the only one who felt like this. Seeing feel the same makes me happy."

"So you're okay with our dicks chaffing from overuse."

"We can always get some lube and make the experience easier." Mew said nonchalantly, "Or you can suck me?"

"Suck you? With my mouth?"

Korn didn't know why the suggestion infused him with heat. It wasn't just his face that was bright red from the blush. It was his entire body reacting to the idea of putting his mouth on Mew that scattered his every other thought.

Korn was intrigued.

Luckily, Mew let the matter drop. Korn figured he was trying to let him off easy. Letting him move at his own pace rather than rushing towards something he wasn't ready for. Korn was eternally grateful.

They might not have talked about it, but Korn needed to know everything possible between them. This was one time when taking Mew's advice was the better option. If information was power, he was going to get armed to the teeth.

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