Caliban - The Proposal (Part 7)

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The long-awaited part 7 is finally here! Only one part left to write before this story takes its final bow! I hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget that I'm always accepting requests!

As we stood looking around at the destruction that the disagreement between Caliban and Zelda had caused, I was shocked.

A simple argument should have not caused this, but then again, we are witches, warlocks, and in Caliban's case, the Prince of Hell.

"Y/N," Sabrina called out with a questioning tone, "What the hell just happened here!"

"Um, a disagreement," I replied meekly. "You have to understand Caliban will always protect me, no matter the cost," I said while looking up at Caliban with a loving look in my eyes.

"I guess that does make sense," Sabrina responded.

"I'm sorry for the destruction that I have caused to your home," Caliban said with a saddened look on his face as he looked at my family members who were still standing, as Zelda was still passed out in the living room.

"We understand, dear," my Aunt Hilda said back to Caliban with a forgiving smile on her face."I feel that I must explain this situation in more detail," Caliban said while making eye contact with my family.

"You see I love Y/N" My entire family let out a gasp of surprise, including myself. I knew that Caliban loved me, but we had never spoken about our love to anyone outside of ourselves.

"Caliban," I said in a questioning tone of voice, "What are you doing?"

"I'm declaring my love for you in front of those who are most important to you, my love," he said with an adoring look in his eyes as he gazed at me. "I know how much family means to you."

Today's chapter is question is on one of my favorite topics, food! Comment below what your favorite food is! Mine is definitely any type of pasta!

I gave Caliban a loving look, still in shock at how he had just openly expressed his love for me in front of other people, which is an incredibly big step for him considering how closed off he is to everyone except for myself.

"I love you, Y/N, and I don't want to hide that from anyone," Caliban said to me with a serious expression on his face. As I continued to gaze at him in wonder, he slowly lowered himself to one knee and pulled a small box from his back pocket.

At first, I was confused, wondering what he was doing, and then it clicked when he opened the small box and there nestled in the velvet lining of the box, was a stunning diamond ring with a silver band.

Gasping in shock and excitement, I looked down at Caliban in surprise; this was defiantly not how I expected my day to go!

"Y/N, I have loved you ever since I first saw you in Hell, and I plan on loving you for the rest of your life if you will have me. Y/N, will you marry me?"

Ahhhhh only one chapter left in this one shot!!!!! What do you think she will say to Caliban's question!!!!

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