Overwhelming Emotions

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You laid down in ban's room on the bed kinda just taking in the pain and trying to except that king would not like you... After everything that happened yesterday.

Meliodas being effected by demon blood and nearly killing everyone. Running for your lives.

"Hey.. are you okay?" King asked.

"Not really." You muttered not bothering to move your head from under the blankets.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"Not really." You sighed. You felt king sit on the opposite side of the bed from you.

"Everyone is worried... Especially Elizabeth and Diane." King said.

".....I did it again." You muttered.

"What?" King asked confused.

"I nearly killed that holy knight for endangering innocent civilians... I mean in the end Diane squashed him with her Gideon.. but I was gonna tear him limb from limb." You groaned.

"You don't know that! It never happened! So don't overthink it!" King said happily.

"....you don't understand, I didn't want to... I wasn't in control of myself... I was going to slowly kill that holy knight, I wasn't going to stop until he was begging for me to kill him." You said darkly. "I just felt so angry... He tried to endanger innocents, she could've died risking her life to save that man, and he still treated her so harshly."

"....." King had a soft smile on his face. You felt arms wrap around you gently. "Look, had any of the actual sins been there, I'm sure he would've had a much more painful death than being squashed, so you can calm down.... No one here thinks the way a normal human would."

".....Thanks." you said quietly. Your heart was pounding even though you knew it was pointless.

"That being said-" king threw you into the chastiefol and zoomed it down the stairs of the tavern.

"No!!!!!! I'm not even properly dressed king!!!!!!!" You shouted as he went down the stairs. You were in a night gown and your hair was a mess.

"You need to eat food you depressed child!!!" He said.

"I am not a child!!!!" You shouted at him. "I can't get out of the chastiefol, it ate me."

"It's kinda like an overly plushed bean bag." Ban yawned pulling you out of the plushie bean bag.. "You're still awake?"

"Yeah I guess, sleeping hasn't really been my forte.... Ever." You laughed nervously.

"I didn't finish my food, so it's all yours." Ban smiled.

"Thanks..." You mumbled.

"Are you feeling better?" Diane asked from outside.

"Nope, still feel like absolute trash." You said. King sighed.

"Can someone other than me explain that no one thinks y/n is a monster for wanting to kill the guy who attempted to end a civilian and Diane's life?" King asked.

"Oh yeah, no one thinks that." Ban said. "I thought you would've got that from me being here."

"It's not what you guys think, that's not what bothers me." You said.

"Then what the heck is it??!!" King asked confused. You flinched at the yelling and ban and king seemed to notice that.

"What the hell was that?" Ban asked.

"Hmm? What?" You asked chewing some food.

"You can't play that off, you flinched when I yelled... Why?" King asked.

"Not everyone is good with words, you know?" Meliodas asked walking downstairs. "She was trying to think of how to explain it when you yelled at her, it shocked her, you normally don't yell so it's kinda natural to panic."

"Now I just feel like an idiot." You said. "How did you explain it so easily? Everytime I explain anything people get offended or confused."

"I don't know, words come easily to me." Meliodas grinned.

"The reason I didn't want to come downstairs was because it hasn't stopped." You said clenching your fist. "Normally I shut myself away when it.. he? Keeps talking to me."

"He?" Meliodas asked.

"The voice.. it sounds like a guy, he acts as though he's still ordering around a mere red demon, maybe he has mistaken me for the red demon." You asked.

"So he can't hear your conversations right?" King asked.

"I believe he hears bits and pieces, most likely he hears what my emotions connect to." You said. "He twists what I feel into something sinister... This time it was rather easy, because it was anger."

"Have you ever heard him say something that you weren't supposed to?" Ban asked. You paused placing a hand to your ear.

"Mmhmm, I could tell it was a demon, he was speaking with other demon's, explaining that one of the minor demon's was still alive, meaning they think that I am the demon... I could make out a couple more words, stuff repeating like dragon, awakening, 10 and kill brother." You explained.

"That's really interesting." King said. "But what would any of that mean."

"A promotion is in order-" you heard. You blinked.

"Oh hell." You said. "That's terrifying to think about."

"What?" King asked.

"The demon said something about a promotion, from what I can tell red demon's can be promoted to grey demon's, but if that were to take place while the blood was still within me, I imagine it's be excruciatingly painful." You exclaimed. "He meant for me to hear that, he excepts the 'demon' to be happy about that."

"He'll promote the dead demon's corpse most likely, and yes the blood will attempt to promote as well, but without the proper necessities it probably won't." Meliodas said.

"So you're saying I'll be in pain for only a while." You said.

"Yes, probably." He nodded.

"Probably?" You repeated fearfully.

"Well I'm not sure if something like this has every happened." Meliodas laughed nervously.

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