Side Chapter: Crafting

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You sat with king as the poison fermented. You had grabbed a couple of utensils from downstairs because king was new to the crafting thing.

"Alright! So for beginners they don't have the muscle it takes to ground up a root from the fairy forest as a whole, so we're gonna cut it up." You smiled wrapping your arms around him to help him cut up the root.

"I can cut up the root by myself.." he mumbled.

"Nope, it has to be cut at a specific angle.. like this." You slowly chopped up the root with king's hand gathering all of the ginger roots and adding it into the bowl. "Now you're going to wanna pick up this weird looking crushed and gently grind up the roots, like this."

"Ok.." king said slowly grinding the roots into a fine powder. "By the way, what are we making?"

"You'll see in a little bit." You laughed. "We're gonna put this aside for now, and we're know going to take this lemon and juice it."

"Ok.. I can do that!" King smiled. He quickly did so and you took the lemon peel and a shredder turning it to the zesting side. You quickly zested the lemon peel into the bowl with the ground up ginger roots. "Hey! I'm supposed to be helping!"

"Zesting lemon peels is not easy and usually results in beginners cutting their hands, you can help with zesting next time." You laughed.

"....Ok.." king pouted. You dug through the rest of your bag finding your mushrooms. You brought out a blue toadstool that could only be found slightly outside of Camelot.

"This is a blue toadstools, they only grow in the blue forests outside Camelot, the perfect amount of balance sunlight and moonlight causes them to sprout.." you explained.

"Blue forests?" King asked.

"Their notorious for their blue ale made from the mushrooms.. I make a special brew, which is what we're making now." You smiled.

"We're making ale?" He asked.

"Nope! We're making my special brew, it's not an ale." You explained.

"Ok." King nodded.

"We're gonna dice the mushroom!" You said helping him chop it into tiny pieces really fast. "And then in lemon juice the blue mushroom dissolves."

"Cool!!!" King smiled.

"It makes the juice green and it tastes rather sour." You said. "The brew only becomes potent like an ale once we add the special ingredient!"

"What is it?" He asked. You pulled out a small purple flower. You crushed up the petals in your hand.

"It's a withered goron flower." You smiled. "It comes from the forest out of liones, I bought some when we were in town." You said. You got an empty bottle and filled it half way with spring water before pouring in the ginger roots and lemon zest and adding the dissolves lemon and blue mushroom juice you added the withered flower on top of it before adding sugar and more lemon juice.

"I wonder how it tastes." King said. You put a cork on the bottle and began shaking it furiously. "Woah!!"

The bottle glowed a bright green and started bubbling. "Woohoo!! The brew was successful! It's carbonated." You smiled.

"Really?? Can we try it!!" King asked. You took the brew downstairs with king to see some very curious people. You begun to realize you and king stayed up all night. You didn't bother explaining, you decided you'd just pour a glass for everyone.

They all loved it, especially king.

King Of Snails (King x reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now