Ten commandments

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"Hey Merlin, ya think you can send me over to the ten commandments?" Meliodas asked. You paused a wide grin spreading across your face.

"Well I could-"

"Can I come!?" You asked excitedly.

"Can y/n come with?" Meliodas asked. "She has something to say to one of them anyways."

"It would take twenty seconds for you both to return... Do you think that it is a good idea?" Merlin asked. You looked to Meliodas.

"Do you think so?" You asked. "Taunting them sounds fun."

"I don't see why not?" Meliodas said. "I mean, hawk have you done an analysis on y/n's power since she exited the cave?"

"Woah!!! She's at half as much power as you meliodas!" Hawk said. You paused turning to him.

"It's probably because you're full demon and I am genetically modified human to be a demon." You smiled.

"Or maybe, you're just inexperienced baby hippo." Meliodas smiled.

"Wait you can't just barge into-" you and Meliodas were there mid sentence and laughing.

"Oh... She should've given us a three second warning." You laughed.

"Hey!" Meliodas smiled happily. You saw Estarossa and Zeldris recognizing them instantly.

"Hey Estarossa and Zeldris!" You said. "I was wondering who those two faces were, but now I have connected them to people, that helps a lot."

"Why does she recognize us Estarossa?" Zeldris growled. You yawned.

"Man, this is boring.. I expected something else seeing that you are the ten commandments." You shrugged.

"Don't push your luck y/n." Meliodas mumbled.

"This looks like the prey I failed to kill.." Galand said looking to Meliodas. "And something else? What even are you? You don't seem much human as you are demon.." Meliodas punched him making you laugh.

"Are you gonna participate in the fight or no?" Meliodas asked.

"Well one of us has to keep their energy." You laughed.

"Pfft, you act if this is tiring." Meliodas shrugged. Galand went to return an attack and you leapt back grabbing your weapon. You let meliodas do the majority of attacks as you planted a few poisonous sapplings, though you doubted they'd do anything in the long run.

"What are you doing, Insolent brat?" Zeldris asked. You paused looking to him. A slight smile spread on your lips.

"I'm just planting tree seeds." You laughed. You took your weapon stabbing it into the ground. You transferred your energy into the ground creating a forest rather quickly. Shielding you from prying eyes. You had your mouth covered with a simple cloth, After a bit experimenting you had discovered that the poison doesn't harm demons as it does humans, instead it slowly saps away power to grow. The Fruit that sprouted from it was very potent for medicine. You harvested some wrapping them in your blanket and stuffing them into your bag before you and Meliodas were teleported back.

"Huh?" Merlin questioned. You tied the blanket off and took out one of the fruit out of your bag and bit into it a grin stretching across your face.

"King! Catch!" You said tossing him the apple. He took a bite into it and looked suddenly startled.

"This tastes amazing! What is it?!" King asked.

"It's a genetically modified plant, I thought maybe if Hunan's could be modified into demons than a poisonous emitting tree could grow fruit ripe in medicinal properties." You smiled. "Sure, it's somewhat poisonous to demons, but with enough extraction the poison will subside leaving only healthy properties!" You smiled.

"It it's poisonous to demons, why did you eat it?" Meliodas asked.

"I made the tree, the fruit was made with me as the tester... I couldn't have my own fruit poisoning me now could I?" You laughed.

"How long did it take to develop this?" Merlin asked examining the blue fruit.

"It took about 2 months..." You said pressing your lips together into a smile. "The tree emits toxic fumes, hopefully the ten commandments won't realize it right away and it will weaken them."

"Hopefully." Merlin nodded. You picked up the bag of fruit.

"That's pretty impressive." The blonde druid smiled. "Who taught you all that?

"Genetically modifying things is rather simple.. I learned it in my foster home, My mother taught me how to farm and how to breed crops, from there I began experimenting." You laughed. "...Who knew my mother's skills will be helping aid in this?"

"What a sweet sentiment.... What about your real parents?" Merlin asked.

"Don't know them... They abandoned me and ban on the streets." You sighed. "My foster family weren't even that good of people." You shrugged.

"...." Everyone seemed quiet for a second.

"The trees are a dark purple and the wood itself should be a bright blue, it looks like something from the fair forest, If you see them cover your mouth, their extremely toxic and can take down a giant in seconds." You said.

"Thanks for the warning." The Druid's smiled.

"Yeah.. thanks." Gilthunder laughed.

"Of course." You grinned. "You guys are friend not foe!"

"Can't be so sure of that..." King mumbled glaring at Meliodas. You paused trying to ignore that statement but you ended up saying something.

"Meliodas isn't our enemy king?" You said confused. "He couldn't be, The dots don't connect, if he was really our enemy why would he have gone through so much trouble to save Diane? To make the seven deadly sins? To avoid potential fights between the seven deadly sins?" You asked. "Seriously think about it for a second."

"Baby hippo." Meliodas said.

"Stop that!" You said slightly irritated. You picked up the fruit. "I'm heading back to the boar hat to strain the fruits into a medicinal potion and extract the demon poison."

King Of Snails (King x reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now