Is this Ok

643 28 16

You woke up feeling refreshed. You went downstairs and despite being the one to be up the latest, you were still up before everyone else. You quickly got to cooking.

King woke up right after you. He flew into the kitchen and hugged you making you confused. You knew he was still half asleep due to the fact he was still floating mid-air.

"Good morning every body!" Ban said pushing open the door. He jumped back slightly when he saw you.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Did you not realize th-that your eye?" Ban said raising his hand to mirror your eye.

"....I'm so sick of sudden appearance changes." You sighed.

"You're gonna have to get used to it, I think I just figured out why you don't bleed black anymore." Meliodas said hoping onto a bar stool. King still hadn't let go of your waist. "I think the demon blood merged with your own, making you officially part demon!"

You gagged slightly nearly puking.

"No! Why today?! I was feeling better about myself today!" You whined.

"Which could only be conducted by someone of a high social status in demon ranks.... Which concerns me and I really wish you'd tell me the name of the guy in your head." Meliodas shrugged. "But one problem at a time, how do we get your eye to go back to normal?"  You blinked for a second focusing and opened your eyes again. "There you go!!! Maybe we should talk to Merlin about some sort of remedy or something?" You paused.

"Hey mystical demon voice that lives in my head?" You said allowed. "Did you die? Are you gonna continue ignoring me? I'll continue to annoy you! Answer me coward!"

"Shut up!" He groaned. "It's too early for your bullshit kid!"

"He lives!!! I'm not a kid!" You gasped offended.

"You're a kid to me, you're like what? 70 years old?"

"What did you do to me?! My friend says that you merged my blood with the demon blood, dick move dude." You growled.

"Friend? Since when do you have those? All you ever think about is this king guy!"

".....As soon as I find you whoever you are you're dead! You know too much!" You shouted.

"You talk to the voice like it's your friend." Ban said.

"....He just knows too much about me to the point that talking to him casually is kind of all I can do... If the demon ever gets out of the demon realm than he could ruin my entire social life." You shrugged. "I normally just ignore him and he ignores me now... He's obviously not an early bird."

"But you can still talk to him.. have you tried asking him if you can talk to any other demon's?" Meliodas asked.

"Hey, can I talk to a different demon? It's an experiment." You said.

"Hey come here a second!" Estarossa shouted. "Can you say something to the human/ demon thing that I've been talking to for the past couple months?"

"Ugh this is stupid Estarossa, Why do I have to do this?"

You were startled and burned yourself on the stove. "Fuck! Ow!" You cursed.

"Hey! Don't curse like that! You'll ruin Elizabeth's purity!" Meliodas shouted. You looked at the burnt flesh on your finger and then up to Meliodas.

"Do most demon's sound alike, Meliodas?" You asked.

"No... They should all sound different? Unless of course they're related, then they could possibly sound similar." Meliodas said confused. Your mouth hung open in a confused expression. You moved around to the bar, King had finally let go of you and now was looking at your hand concerned as to why you weren't paying more attention to your fully burnt hand.

"King can you help ban finish breakfast, I need to talk to Meliodas really quick, I'll be right back, ok! You're the best, thanks!" You said giving him a slight kiss on the cheek before leaving and pulling meliodas along with you.

"Why do you need to talk to me?" Meliodas asked.

"So they tapped out when I physically injured myself, so I'll have to say this quick before they come back." You said. "One of them sounded exactly like you if you were... Angry all the time... And the other one's name is Estarossa." He gave an extreme reaction to that information. He had a really concerned face and he looked like he wanted to give you a hug and a pat on the back and say "good-luck."

"Those are my brother's..." He mumbled. "Estarossa the youngest and the angry me being the second eldest, you can't tell anyone that ok? I don't want the other sins knowing that I have demon siblings, or Elizabeth."

"....Of course, I wouldn't dream of revealing your personal information..." You sighed. "I've been talking to small meliodas'."

"Pfft, they don't look like me at all." Meliodas said. "Much uglier."

"You egotistical bastard." You laughed. "I don't remember being this friendly with you? Maybe it's because you're one of the only people who understands and can explain what's happening with me."

"I'm also just a genuinely friendly and laughable person." Meliodas smiled.

"No he's not.." Estarossa said.

"Shut up! Stop reading my thoughts! Who I associate with is none of your business!" You said.

"He's MY brother!"

"Well, I don't care if he's your brother! Since when do you order me around!" You stuck your tongue out.

"It's too early for this bullshit, I'm going back to sleep."

"Haha! I chased him away by being annoying.. he got tired and went to bed." You laughed. Meliodas had a look of pity as you randomly talked to Estarossa.

"I'm so sorry." Meliodas sighed.

"It's not that bad... Only the youngest talks to me... The other one finds me idiotic, I think to them I'm officially just a source of entertainment." You shrugged.

"I'm so so sorry, he's so stupid... I'm genuinely sorry for your sanity." Meliodas sighed.

King Of Snails (King x reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now