Bad Idea!!

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You decided you'd blindfold yourself in hopes that Estarossa couldn't see you if you couldn't see.

"Y/n isn't it a problem to be blindfolded like that?" Elizabeth asked. You paused.

"No... I actually think I feel the presence of someone watching my eyes this way... It's a lot easier to just be blind then let them know where we are." You said.

"He can probably only see you y/n, he can probably see your motions but not what's around you. Like you're walking around in a black abyss." Meliodas said. You grabbed the blindfold and rushed out the front door. It took Meliodas only a second longer to realize it.

"It's them.. and another." You said. "The power of the third party is nothing compared to theirs.. but it seems like a giant but not Diane."

"How did you get all that?" Meliodas asked.

"..I think I can sense things around Estarossa.. Mostly just extreme powers, That would be the commandments." You said. "I learned of this when I was in the fairy king's forest..."

"Are you sensing power levels or souls?" Meliodas asked.

"...I don't know, what do demon's sense?" You refuted.

"You're sensing the souls." Meliodas said bluntly. You looked to your ankle twisting it back and forth. You then stood up and leapt back, to which you were tugged forward again.

"I see.. he has no intention of actually bringing me to the commandments yet.. He's just intentionally being a dick." You said.

"Hey!! Elizabeth!!" Meliodas said covering her ears.

"Oh come on!! You've already ruined her innocence meliodas!!!" You whined.

"Ah! No girl should be using those words anyways!" Meliodas said patting your head.

"Girl?! That's offensive! I'm old in human years!!" You growled.

"But you're like 7 in demon years." Meliodas said. The chain tugged again, twice. You paused.

"This is a bad idea." You laughed. You grabbed your ankle and tugged it backwards twice before letting it fall. It tugged again once and you repeated the same thing. You ended up laughing. "Why is he so childish?"

"He's probably one of the youngest in the ten commandments." Meliodas shrugged. "Probably around 370 years old now."

"370?!" Elizabeth asked.

"Demon's and angels live a lot longer than any race in this world." You said. "Which means I'm ultimately screwed because I stopped aging and now thanks to Estarossa I have evolved into part demon and managed not to go insane in the process." You sighed. You paused. "They noticed us."

"Yeah..." Meliodas said. "Hawk's mom! Turn that way and run as fast as you can. Your ankle tugged five times. You winced.

"How do you spell not right now in waving a flipping chain?!" You asked worried.

"I got you." King said. He held you onto the head of Hawk's mom. You couldn't focus, your head was throbbing and you felt safe. You could see the giant red flaming bird coming towards the group. You tapped hawk's mom's head. She opened her mouth and swallowed the fire hawk completely. "How did you know she could do that?"

"If I've eaten a burning marshmallow and not die I'm sure hawk's mom could eat a not even existent bird." You smiled.

"You ate a burning marshmallow?" Meliodas asked.

"Of course!! Ban witnessed that one when we were really little!" You laughed.

"Meliodas, I know our goal, but I advise we change direction." Merlin said.

"What?!" King shouted. "We can't do that! We still have to get Diane."

"Diane and the third party's presence have disappeared, that being said approaching now would put their lives at risk." You said your eyes fixated on the hill. "Where do you suppose we go Merlin?"

"....The druid's Holyland." She said. "That's where I stored a percentage of Meliodas' old power." You stood up and pried your eyes from the hill.

"Y/n?" Meliodas asked confused.

"Do whatever.. I really need to get sleep." You sighed.

"Your input is useful, I would recommend you stay to participate in the conversation." Merlin said.

"I have a feeling if I stay in the range where I can sense the ten commandments I'm going to lose it." You said honestly. "I have no problems with the druid's, and I agree with Merlin that if your power is stored somewhere that we should probably go there."

"Then I think we should go to the druid's Holyland." Meliodas nodded. Your stomach churned as you went back into the boar hat.

"Are you ok y/n?" King hugged you from behind.

"I feel like I'm losing the last sense of humanity I have.. I was literally gonna jump right into a death trap.." you sighed.

"Hey.. calm down, it's ok." King smiled.

"Get a room you two." Meliodas laughed.

"Only when you and Elizabeth do!" You snickered. Meliodas sighed.

"When did you two start acting like siblings?" Merlin asked.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Yeah, I don't understand?" Meliodas said confused.

"You argue as though you two are siblings.. You've been helping her with the demon thing going on... You're treating her nicely while also being mean at the same time." King explained.

"She's a baby hippo, I'm a dragon." Meliodas said.

"Stuck up jerk!" You laughed.

"Hippo." King poked your face. You pouted.

"Why am I the hippo again?" You asked.

"Baby hippo, very important." Meliodas said.

"Why am I a baby hippo?" You asked.

"Because you're really calm until someone unwanted invades your space, and you always stick close to those you already know." He shrugged. Your ankle begun tugging again.

"He's gonna rip my ankle off, I swear to God!" You growled.

"That's the intruder." Meliodas pointed out.

"....Oh!! I get it now!" You smiled. "I think? But still hippo? Seriously."

"Yes, hippo." Meliodas said.

King Of Snails (King x reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now