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You made it back to the castle with aslo's help.

"Your dog is really helpful king!" You smiled.

"Mmhm! Aslo is an amazing puppy!" King said rubbing his head.

"What are you two doing here?" Elizabeth asked.

"A demon attacked the fairy king's forest." You said.

"Where'd ban?" Meliodas asked.

"...I tried to tell him that the ten commandments could kill him easily but he wasn't having it." You sighed. "He's leaving the fairy king's forest now." You sighed.

"Ingesting demon blood while an enhancer isn't safe y/n." Meliodas said.

"How did you know-" you paused.

"Your power level is currently doubled, it's pretty obvious." Meliodas shrugged. You fell over again.

"I'm gonna kill him...." You said.

"Why are you on the ground?" Meliodas asked.

"I think one of the commandments has attached a shackle to my ankle... They keep pulling on it!" You growled.

"Then how would you know it's a he?" Elizabeth asked.

"I would like to assume it's the demon who was talking to me for the past few months." You said.

"So if we follow it we can find them?" Meliodas asked.

"I would assume so." You said.

"You're awesome, you're staying with us." Meliodas laughed. "Don't worry, I doubt any of the ten commandments would be able to pull you all the way to them in the state they are in."

"You're saying their energy is depleted from breaking the seal right?" You asked.

"Yeah... But how do you know that?" Meliodas asked.

"I've been getting as much information from the demon as I could... Studying demon's has become a hobby by now... I know weak points, pressure points, how many organs they have, I know where the hearts are on red demon's and grey demon's." You smiled.

"He shared that much information? That's irregular." Meliodas said concerned. "You didn't share any information did you?"

"Not willingly, but he could read my mind so he probably knows everything I think of everyone else, and possibly about king's chastiefol." You shrugged.

"Huh?" Meliodas looked deep in thought. Your ankle felt painful you quickly covered your eye looking at the shackle. Spikes had stabbed into your leg. You kicked your leg up onto a wall and rolled up your pants leg. Blood rolled down dripping onto the ground.

"I'm seriously going to kill him... Damnit." You sighed you felt dizzy all of the sudden. King and Meliodas caught you when you fell over. Mostly king but meliodas had your arm just in case.

"Meliodas what's wrong?" King asked.

"I-I don't know. Y/n, what's happening?" He asked.

"Mm, demon pressure point, hurts like hell on human or demon, whether just pressed of stabbed." You said. "Also causes a lot of blood loss, I'm almost positive it's Estarossa who put the shackle on now." You covered your mouth all of the sudden. "Oops?"

"It doesn't matter now." Meliodas shrugged.

"It fucking hurts... Assholes." You growled.

"Language! You're ringing my precious Elizabeth!!!" Meliodas shouted covering her ears.

"Sorry." You laughed nervously. You paused. "Where's the others? If you're here at the castle."

"Oh we're all here! Come on let's go!" Meliodas smiled.


"So Diane is losing her memories.." you sighed.

"It doesn't make sense? How would Diane be losing her memories?" Meliodas asked. You and Meliodas had previously been discussing about the demons so you were both away from everyone else.

"It just doesn't add up from what you've told me about Galand." You said chucking a loose stone at the wall across from you. "Truth huh?"

"Yeah..." Meliodas sighed.

"Damn, I really hope that guy never gets close to me... What happens if you just don't answer?" You asked.

"....I don't know." Meliodas said.

"What about Estarossa? I don't know his." You mumbled.

"Why do you have this fascination with demon's? We aren't good people." Meliodas said.

"I've been connected to Estarossa for the past six months, he's flipping awful to listen to." You sighed. "I'm pretty sure I know demon's are generally bad guys, but you're a good guy by my rules."

"Estarossa is the commandment of Charity... Also known as Love." Meliodas said taking a turn to chuck the rock at the blank wall. "Anyone who holds hatred towards him won't be able to act against him, or rather move at all."

".....Crap! I won't be able to kill him unless I don't hate him!" You said. "This is gonna be less than ideal."

"When they're all together you can practically do nothing against them.. one of the members has the commandment of Peace, If they are all together they won't be able to fight against you, nor you them." Meliodas sighed. "It's utterly useless."

"Y/n!! Meliodas!! Come quick!!!" King shouted. You both leapt up out of fear and then you fell down again.

".....I seriously hate him!!" You shouted. Meliodas pulled you back onto your feet and you followed king to where Diane was. She looked around a bit and then hopped out the palace window and ran away. You were shocked. You hopped up onto the edge of the palace wall.

"Get down!" Meliodas said pulling you away. "You realize being anywhere in the open puts you in risk of going straight to the ten commandments!"

"Oh... Right.. then I guess going to the Giants Homeland is out of the question for me... I'll stay here and tend to the kingdom." You smiled weakly.

"No? We're taking the boar hat dummy." Meliodas said. "Let's go!"

King Of Snails (King x reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now