Demon Hunt

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      "Do you think we should take Y/n back to Bobby's after this?" Sam asked.

      Dean threw his gun up around the corner, looking for a demon to shoot. When he saw none, he lowered it. He didn't loosen up.

      "She won't go back," Dean said," She'll figure out some way to hunt. With or without us."

      "Yeah, I guess you're right," Sam said," But what if..."

      "Stop with the what if's, Sammy," Dean said," She'll decide if she wants to keep going, or not. And we're going to protect her so that she CAN make that choice."

      "Right," Sam said.

      Dean started searching through the duffel, pulling out two red, spray paint canisters," Devil's Trap?"

      Sam took one and popped the cap off," Let's get started."

      "So... monsters are real?" Chief Marks asked," Werewolves, vampires... demons..."

      "Real, and very dangerous," you say, toying with the demon blade in your hand.

      "And you hunt them?" he asked in disbelief.

      "Yes," you say.

      "For free?" he asked suspiciously.

      "Sometimes," you say," We save people because it's the right thing to do."

      "How do you become a hunter?" Chief Marks inquired.

      "You just do it," you say," I only started a few weeks ago."

      "Why? Why would you do a job like that?" he asked," You're young. You could be at college, or have a steady job. Why are you doing this?"

      You don't answer at first, trying to figure that out yourself. You wondered what Sam or Dean would say. You tried to think of why you would do a job like this. You had told Bobby it was to get out and see new places and kill monsters. But it just didn't seem to ring true. Neither did revenge for your parents' deaths. You had just accepted that it had happened and (since the Chupacabra was dead) you felt no reason to seek out vengeance.

       "I have no idea," you admit," It just seemed like the job I should do."

      Suddenly, you heard something crash down the halls outside the door. You jumped to your feet, gripping the deer antler handle of the demon knife tighter than you've ever gripped anything. The civilians pressed themselves tighter against the corner, holding their breaths. You stepped to the door and listened. You listened for any sound of the boys. Anything that was distinctly them and not a demon. You didn't hear anything. Nothing. Not even the air conditioning. Your heart was beating faster. You felt sweat coating your forehead and drip down your neck. You took a deep breath. What would the Winchesters do? You grabbed the flask of salt that the boys had left behind and poured out another circle of salt.

      "Locke up the door, then get back in this circle. Don't break it or leave it," you say," I'm going out."

      You didn't wait around for an argument. You just hurried out the door praying that the boys were alright. And that if they weren't, you'd have the strength to do what needed to be done.

      The demon stood under a half finished Devil's Trap on the roof. The boys were sprawled on either side of the station's lobby, groaning. You stared at the demon and its black lidded eyes. It grinned devilishly at you.

      "Hello, beautiful," he cooed in a low, gravelly voice," Ready to get crazy?"

      You stared at him, holding the knife in your shaking hand. You glanced between Sam and Dean's equally scared and panicked expressions. You thought back to the knife fighting lessons Bobby had taught you, and took an aggressive fighting stance.

      "No," you reply to the demon, holding the knife up," I'll kill you, and you'll never hurt anyone else ever again."

      The demon grinned toothily," I love the fighters. So much... hope."

      You charged at him, startling him, but he quickly pushed you aside. You whirled around almost instantly, cutting into his side. The demon yelled in pain, then swung his fist at your face. You leaned back and threw your knife up to defend yourself. The blade slashed across his wrist. The demon screeched again, stumbling back to try and recollect himself. You stood between the boys, knife up and ready to defend or attack.

      "Time to say goodnight," the demon hissed.

      The meat-suit fell to his knees as the demon smoked out and circled the room. You knew what was coming. You tried to run. You ran towards Dean, who was struggling to get up off the floor. But you were only a single stride away before the black smoke engulfed you. You could hear Dean's voice screaming your name.

      You felt your mouth being forced open. You tried to scream, but your voice was gone. You felt the cold tile hit your knees. You couldn't move. Your eyes were locked up on the ceiling. The smoke burned your throat as it slithered and shoved itself inside you. You could feel it enveloping everything inside you. Like a steel wool blanket that cut and bled you at the molecular level. And then, all of a sudden, the demon was expelled. The smoke ran out of your body and out your mouth.

      You fell to the ground, coughing and spluttering as the black smoke disappeared out the door. You feel Dean grab your shoulder and call your name. But everything felt like it was underwater. You gazed up at Dean.

      "What happened?" you ask.

      "I don't know," Dean said," But you're okay... you're okay, now..."

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