A Nephilim Has Been Born

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      Lucifer stared in awe at the sight before him on the other side of the glass. Two perfectly intact wings hovered over your body. Most of the feathers were coated in a sheen of blood, but the few that weren't were bright white, with a silver spine that bled out into the white feathers.

      "I've never seen wings like that before," alt-Gabriel said," They're definitely archangel grade though."

      "She is my daughter," Lucifer said softly.

      "Those wings are pretty big," Bobby noted," How much bigger will they get?"

      "Pretty big Gadreel said," Sam said," Maybe 15 feet. But he said that may be an overshot."

      "I get the white, but what's up with the silver?" Dean asked.

      "It's uh... the werewolf in her from her mother," Lucifer said softly," She was a grey wolf. Silver fur."

      Gadreel finished stitching up the cuts and bandaging them. He gave the nurse's a few directions on the wings, before leaving the room. The group shared looks as nurses washed and cleaned the white-and-silver feathers until they were shiny and fluffy. After about 20 minutes of cleaning, the nurses put you down onto the gurney again and wheeled you out of the operating room. Everyone looked when a nurse appeared in the doorway.

      "We put her under and are taking her to a private room for her to recover in," the nurse said," She's been stitched up and cleaned, so please try to not get her riled. We don't want her pulling her stitches."

      "No problem," Bobby said," What room?"

      "3rd floor, room 134," the nurse said before disappearing out into the hall.

      "What are we waiting for?" Dean asked," Let's go."

      You woke up slowly on your side. You saw Dean sitting beside the bed, reading a book. You made a sharp grunt to get his attention. He turned to you, and, once he saw you were actually awake, he put the book down and leaned closer to you.

      "Hey, Y/n, how are you feeling?" Dean asked.

      "Like I was hit by a bus," you said," Hit by a bus, then had part of my skeleton shoved out with it."

      Dean chuckled," Yeah, that sounds about right."

      "What time is it?" you asked.

      "Oh it's about... 3 AM," Dean said," You've been out for about 5-6 hours now."

      You paused, trying to comprehend that. It felt like you'd been out for only a few minutes.

      "What do they look like?" you asked under your breath.

      "What?" Dean asked.

      "My wings?" you asked," What do they look like?"

      Dean glanced over your shoulder. His eyes dropped to the floor  as he tried to come up with some way to explain it to you. He looked at you again.

      "They're white and silver," he said," Lucifer says the white is from him, and the silver is from your mother. He said she was a grey wolf with silver fur."

      "Where is Lucifer? Where's Bobby..." you asked," Where's everyone else?"

      "They're downstairs, in the hospital cafeteria," Dean said," Lucifer said he'd treat everyone to something so Bobby, Gabe... and- the other Gabe... and Sam couldn't refuse."

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