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      "Y/n? Are you still there?" Crowley asked.

      "Yes," you said," My powers don't seem have laser vision included in the packet. Glaring at the ceiling hasn't freed us yet."

      "You've been quiet for the last hour. I was afraid you had fallen asleep," Crowley said.

      "No," you said," I'm feeling more awake now than before."

      "Good," Crowley said," But... I'm afraid, I'm not feeling very good."

      "What?" you sat up," What's wrong?"

      "You can't see," Crowley said," But Asmodeus is draining me of my blood."

      "What?!" you shouted, standing up," Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

      "Because there's nothing you could do about it then, and there's still nothing you can do about it now," Crowley said," And... honestly, I believed the Winchesters would've arrived by now."

      "Why are you tell me now?" you asked.

      "I'm fading away, Y/n," Crowley said, his voice tight and forced," I warned you about falling asleep, but now I'm afraid I'm going to suffer the thing I worked so hard to keep you from doing. I thought you should know before I completely black out."

      "Crowley, don't give up," you said," You have to hold on."

      "I will not willingly give up," Crowley said sharply," If only for your sake I won't."

      You walked to the black bars caging you in. You didn't dare touch them. You already knew what would happen if you did. So you carefully reached through the bars and reached around to Crowley's side of the wall. You felt along the bars, looking for a lock or anything.

      "What are you doing?" Crowley asked.

      "I'm trying to unlock the door," you said.

      "Well, you're on the wrong side of it," Crowley said.

      Suddenly, you heard demon laughing and voices coming down the hall. You quickly ran back to the plank bed and readied for the coming foes.

      "Stay quiet, Crowley," you ordered softly," I'll get us out of this."

      Crowley was silent, and you hoped it was because you'd told him to be and not because he lost too much blood. You sat in the corner, waiting. Your heart beat faster the closer the demons came. You weren't strong enough to use your angel powers, so you'd have to resort to your hunter training. You hoped it would be enough, but you doubted it.

      Asmodeus passed by your cell with a slight pause in his step, then walked to Crowley's cell. Crowley stared at Asmodeus with a glazed, irritated glare.

      "You're still awake," Asmodeus said," I'm impressed... but it won't save you."

      "You hurt her, you're going to regret your entire existence," Crowley murmured," The Winchesters will beat your fine, white suited- AH!"

      "CROWLEY!" you shouted, kicking at the concrete wall," ASMODEUS! IF YOU HURT HIM I-...!"

      "You can't do anything," Asmodeus said smugly," You're too weak. Your angel powers are practically gone. Now there is only one way to try and take your revenge on me."

      You could hear Crowley's pained panting and tight groans. You wanted to kick down the wall so badly your muscles were starting to spasm. You wondered if it was because of your werewolf genetics or the demon blood that still courses through your veins.

I Am Not An Abomination: A Supernatural!Universe X Reader AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now