An Empty Room...

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      The sounds of the others in the living room and kitchen quieted down as you followed Lucifer down the dark hall adjacent to the first rooms. He led you to a white door at the end of the hall. He silently unlocked the door handle and then stepped back.

      "Go on. Open it," he said, his voice thick with emotion, but what emotion, you weren't sure.

      "What's inside?" you asked.

      "Nothing," he said, not in the way that would make you think it was a trap, but that there was seriously... nothing.

      Sensing the strong emotions he felt standing by this door, you pushed the handle down and let the door swing open. You peered inside and saw it was a child's bedroom. There was a window on the one wall and the golden sunlight of the sunset lit up the room. The walls were alabaster white with a horizontal brown stripe over the top. On the wall farthest from the door, there was a twin sized bed, neatly made with a blanket depicting a Noah's Ark scene like one would find in a Baby's First book. There were also several small, white bookshelves, mostly empty and devoid of books or anything.

      You stepped inside the room, feeling your sneaker-ed feet sink in the thick, untouched white carpet. You were started at the feeling. You'd never stepped on a carpet that hadn't been trodden on for the last half-century, so it almost scared it when your feet sank down. You managed to keep your surprise to yourself and continue inside. You looked around the room again.

      The wall on the opposite of the bed was painted with a mural of a meadow with cute animals (a lamb, a pony, little flying birds, and even lions and a tiger, etc) prancing or prowling through the tall, green-and-yellow grass. And in the center of the animals, and wall, was an angel under a big tree playing a harp. It was beautiful, and detailed. You stepped closer to the wall, almost unsteadily because of the soft carpet. You examine it closer, startled by the details and realism in it. You looked back at Lucifer, who was hanging back, leaning against the door-frame. You noticed he didn't take a step inside. He even kept his feet back from the carpet.

      "This was supposed to be your room," Lucifer said quietly, his voice thick, but it was higher pitched as he was visibly fighting tears," Your mother and I-..."

      He sniffled, breathing through his mouth as he tried to find his voice through the obvious tightness in his throat. He looked up at the ceiling as he fought tears. But you could see them rolling down his scruffy cheeks.

      You looked around the room again, now imagining what growing up in this room would've been like

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      You looked around the room again, now imagining what growing up in this room would've been like. It was beautiful, like from a children's book or a magazine. Then, as you stumbled over the soft carpet again, clicked together the pieces as to why it was so soft. You looked back over at Lucifer, who was barely holding on.

       "When's the last time you were in here?" you asked softly.

      Lucifer's silent, tear-filled stare was all you needed to know that he has been in the room only a handful of times. If he had ever gone in at all.

      "I couldn't-..." he sniffled, wiping his face with his sleeve quickly as he tried to continue," I just couldn't stand the thought of being alone."

      You stepped closer to him, slowly, cautiously. You were unsure still about Lucifer and if this was real or not. You wanted with all your heart to believe this was really him being good and this wasn't a trap, but you knew you had to be careful anyways. But the emotions flowing from him made your paranoia turn into guilt.

      "You know, uh," Lucifer said in a more upbeat way to try and make light of the scene and hide his breaking down," Your mother and I painted this room. She did the uh... the mural over there. The one with the animals."

      "You never said she was an artist," you murmured quietly.

      "She kept that talent hidden," Lucifer said with a forced, tight laugh," Said it might ruin her tough girl reputation. But she never hid it from me. She never hid anything from me."

      You stood half-an-arm's length away from him, listening to his stifled, shoved down sobs. He couldn't look you in the eye, so he either looked around quickly or stared at the floor.

      "We uh... heh- didn't know if you were a boy or a girl, so we couldn't do blue or pink paint when we did the room," Lucifer said softly, staring at the floor now," So... we did one of those gender neutral ones. Figured we could repaint after you were born."

      You wanted to ask more questions, but you couldn't bring yourself to ask them.

      "I even built a crib, but... after I-... I couldn't... find you, I... I gave it away. Most of the toys and books too," he said, lowering his head, leaning it against his arm which rested on the door-frame," Then I decided to try and find you again... So I refitted the room a little, then went in search for you... But I-... I-I didn't even know what you were... I searched, but... I just-... I just gave up. I should've kept looking. I shouldn't have stopped..."

      He stood up straight, tears streaming down his face," I should've come sooner. I'm so sorry, Y/n."

      You threw your arms around his neck, nuzzling the top of your head on the underside of his jaw

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      You threw your arms around his neck, nuzzling the top of your head on the underside of his jaw. Lucifer was startled, but then buried his face into your h/c hair, his tears soaking into the locks. You felt your own chest becoming tight with tears as you felt him crown your head with kisses.

      "I love you, Y/n," the archangel sobbed, his arms slowly wrapping around your back but not squeezing for fear of the wings' retaliation," I love you so much..."

      "I forgive you," you whispered back tightly," I forgive you..."

      You wished you could say 'I love you' back, but you weren't sure if you were willing to go that far. Not yet at least. For now, forgiveness was all that you could offer him. He took it amid his weeping.

      "You can come in," you offered," I'm here now. You don't have to be afraid of this room anymore."

      Lucifer looked in the room, then took a deep shaking breath," Okay."

      You took a step back, still holding onto him. Lucifer took a staggering step forward. His shoe sank into the carpet, same as yours had. You buried your face into his neck, taking another step back. His other foot followed quickly to catch his balance.

     "It's okay," you cooed," It's okay."

      Lucifer followed, his shoulders shaking even more heavily. You stopped in the center of the room, then loosened your hold on his shoulders. You touched his face, gently lifting his face up to view the room. He did so, lips parted, tears dripping off his jawline as he looked at the room. You decided he was wrong. The room wasn't empty.

      It was filled to the brim with memories.

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