Lucifer's Flat

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      Marv parked the van in front of a tall apartment/flat complex. It looked very luxurious from the outside. Everyone was startled as they stared at it. You were also in disbelief. This was where Lucifer lived?

      "Alright, everyone off," Marv yelled with a hint of irritation at the lack of movement from the backseat," Before I get another parking ticket."

      "You heard him, let's go," Lucifer called, reaching across you to open the sliding door.

      You leaned back further into the seat, putting pressure on your wings. You hid your grimace as you waited for Dean and Cas to climb out. Then Bobby and Sam. You jumped out after them with Lucifer behind you. Gabriel was trying to compliment Marv on his driving, but Marv wasn't having any of it, and yelled at him until he got out of the van. Gabriel didn't seem fazed though when you looked at him.

      "Hey, nice digs, Luci," Gabriel said looking at the building.

      "Wait until you go in," Lucifer said, then hustled everyone inside the double doors.

      Inside the lobby, it was lit up by golden lights, making everything glitter like gold. Well, whatever wasn't gold chrome. Which was almost anything that could be accented with fake gold. The walls might've been beige, but they looked gold as well. It was weird, like someone's idea of what Heaven would look like. You know, gold roads and such. It was definitely a human's perspective if it was supposed be representative of Heaven.

      Lucifer started rambling about the building and had Gabriel, Bobby, and Sam hanging on every word. You hung back with Dean who was looking more and more like he was in heaven the more he saw. You guessed if he had to make a luxury hotel lobby, it would be something like this. He wore a very impressed, non-sarcastic, or scornful expression. Which, for Dean, is a minor miracle in of itself.

      He leaned closer to you and whispered excitedly," This is insane! I've only ever been a place this nice since we had that team up with the British Men of Letters!"

      You giggled and rammed his shoulder playfully. He nudged you back, much softer than he would normally, but you didn't mind. You didn't want him to feel guilty about hurting you while just having immature fun.

      Lucifer approached the front desk with a," Hey, Anna. Got any extra keys laying around for my pad?"

      The girl, Anna, at the front desk looked up and her eyes lit up with recognition and almost shock as she stared up at Lucifer.

      "Lucifer!" she said, shocked," I thought you weren't coming back."

      "I hope you didn't sell out my room," Lucifer asked.

      "No, no, no, no, of course not," Anna said quickly," It's... it's been almost a month."

      "Just a couple weeks, not a month," Lucifer said.

      "A month."

      Lucifer shrugged," Sorry. I got busy."

      Anna looked past him and you met her eyes. Lucifer glanced back at the group, then back at Anna. Anna had locked her gaze on you and didn't look away until Lucifer cleared his throat.

      "Can we get, oh... 6 extra keys," Lucifer asked.

      "Uh, yeah, sure," Anna quickly replied, then snapped 6 keys into existence.

      Lucifer began passing them around. You looked your key over. It was a key card. The size of your driver's license. It even had a little loop for a key ring. You play with the loop as Lucifer led the group to the silver walled elevator. You could see Castiel also was playing with the little key card so you stood beside him and started comparing cards. Spoiler alert, they were the same.

      You saw out of the corner of your eye, Lucifer taking his card and sliding it through a little card scanner next to the door. You noted how he did it, just in case you would have to do it some time. The elevator was pretty large, but it felt crowded. Lucifer looked nervously to either side of him.

      "So," he said awkwardly, using the cramp space to crack a joke," Close quarters."

      You couldn't help but giggle. Lucifer smiled, watching his blurry reflection on the door.

      "Let me guess, you live on the top floor, right?" Gabriel asked.

      "Uh, yeah," Lucifer confirmed, then asked," How'd you know?"

      "I wouldn't expect anything less from my older brother. Even if you're from a different universe," Gabriel said proudly," Sides... that's how I'd roll."

      Lucifer looked almost touched by the sentiment. An angel from a different dimension called him his older brother. Sure, he already had a Gabriel, but Gabriel never had a Lucifer that wasn't anything more than a backstabbing, tantrum throwing, evil toddler force. Your honestly felt your heart warm with the touching moment.

      You looked and saw Bobby wasn't paying attention. He was still in shock. Sam was toying with his phone, fascinated with whatever was on it. Castiel shuffled closer to you for some reason. You weren't sure why, but you linked your arm in his and leaned your head on his trench-coated shoulder. Castiel stiffened for a moment, glancing at you worriedly before leaning his head against yours.

      After a minute, the elevator door dinged and opened. Everyone stared in disbelief at the Shangri-la paradise that laid before them.

      Lucifer stepped inside and sighed," Welcome to my home."

      You stumbled out of the elevator and into the HUGE living space. The walls were scarlet red, the carpet off-white, and the furniture either white or dark brown. There was a huge flat-screen TV and black sectional couch sitting back for an almost 180* viewing experience. You noted the dark brown coffee table in front of it with several closed magazines with angel related articles.

      Gabriel wasted no time in dropping onto the couch, stretching over the leather cushions with a very satisfied expression. Lucifer eyed him amused, but otherwise wasn't bothered by the immediate relaxation by Gabriel. Dean was wide eyed and grinning with Sam staring gawk eyed at everything. Bobby looked like he was about to faint. Castiel was mortified by Gabriel and was trying to hide his furious blushing. You had never seen Castiel turn a different color before, and this was definitely the brightest shade of red you'd ever seen. The walls were having a run for their paint job.

      You explored the kitchen next. The open floor kitchen was white. The tiled floor, walls between the granite countertop and cupboards, and the cupboards, were all white. There was an island, also following the granite countertop and white base decor. You checked everyone's locations and saw that they were spreading out over the flat. Lucifer was trying to keep up with everyone as they moved around his home. He looked nervous as he gave up and casually walked into the kitchen.

      "If they break anything, I'll pay you back," you said quickly.

      "Oh it's not that," Lucifer said quickly, his eyes meeting yours," I just... I'm not used to having guests."

      "Oh," was all you could say.

      "There's uh-... there's something I want to show you," Lucifer said softly, his face softening into that expression you'd learned meant he wished to try and be a father," Follow me."

      As you followed Lucifer into the back hall, you heard Dean find the refrigerator and shout," GUYS! HEY! THE FRIDGE'S FULL OF FRICKIN' BEER!"

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