♡ 4 - "deal"

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I sat on my bed scrolling through my instagram.

Mattia's been in his room for 3 hours with that girl. All I hear is that girl moaning Mattias name.

"Are you kidding me" I said when she started again.

I got up and knocked on Mattias door.

"Fuck off" Mattia said.

"Shut the fuck up and I'll fuck off" I answered.

"Who are you why do you care?" The girl said.

Bitch you're one out of his hundreds of girls.

"I live here, so if you dont shut up I will call Mattia's dad".

"Fine we'll shut up go now" Mattia said and obviuosly they continued.

I smiled for my self.


It was the next day and I went to school alone this time. I met up with Katie. It was Tuesday and we were going to my place after school.

"Are you sure Alejandro will come to Mattia today?" Katie asked while fixing her hair and looking in the mirror.

"That's what I heard while Mattia played last night".

"Okay, but are you sure you want me to come? I dont want you to think that im just coming because of Alejandro. You're my friend now and I dont want any boys between us" Katie said genuinly.

"I swear its okay. I want you guys to get to know each other anyway. You would make a great couple. It has to start from somewhere. As your friend, this is the least I can do" I said and smiled.

"You know, even though we got to know each other yesterday, you seem really cool and Im glad I got to know you. I know were going to be really, really good friends" Katie said.

"Me too Katie".
Class started and I had english while Katie had chemistry. I sat in the back, while everyone else sat with someone. I had the seats for my self, or I thought so until Mattia came storming into the classroom.

Of course the only avalaible spot was next to mine.
Mattia rolled his eyes after he realized he had to sit next to me.
He sat down not even looking at me or talking to me at all.

"Great now everyone is here. It's Tuesday right now and I want everyone of you to know that were starting on this project. You're going to write a story with a partner and the story has to be about 10 pages" The teacher said.

Someone reached up their hand.

"Yes, Michael?" the teacher said.

"Can we choose our partners?"

"If you guys listened to me last time we had a project, then yes. But I told everyone that if you guys dont do as I say, I will choose your partners from now on. So no, you cant. Your partner is the one you sit with".

Are you joking? Im working with Mattia?

"You have to be kidding me" Mattia whispered.

"Like im dying to work with you, Polibio" I said with a mean voice.

"Like your not. Youre lucky you got me on your group, all the other girls would kill to be you right now" Mattia said with a straight face.

"Yeah well im not like those girls".

Mattia started to laugh.

"Thats what they all say isn't it. But its always them who's the easiest to get".

I gasped and looked at him.

"What are you calling me?"

Mattia just laughed.

"You know, if it wasn't for this project, I would walk out the door right now, but im not getting a bad grade because you decide to be an asshole" I said and started to flip through my pages.

"Yeah sure" Mattia said and leaned back on his chair.

"How are we suppose to work together when you act like this Mattia?".

"Act like what? I am myself. I just dont like being around you. I dont want anything to do with you, that's it. Is it so hard to understand that?"

I felt some tears coming on their way, just a little. Not because he is mean, but because his words makes me feel bad and worthless, when I done nothing to him.

"Mattia. It's nothing I can do right now when we have this project. Let's make a deal. If you can finally be willing to work for this project, I will never speak to you again and you will barely see me at home, alright?.

Mattia looked up and straight into my eyes.

"Deal, hand me the papers" Mattia said and started to work.

♡ stepbrother; Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now