♡ 40 - missed you

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Im gonna see him again.

Wait, I need to text Katie first.

« Hey Katie❤️ im on my way rn, im so excited to see u guys again. Just wanted to say that I need to turn off my phone so mom can't track me up alright? Love you and see u soon❤️»

I sendt it.

I took off my ear-ring, used the back of it to take out my SIM on my iPhone, and I threw it put the window before I closed the window.

I turned off my phone, and finally went to sleep with a big smile...


I woke up by Evie soflty shaking my shoulder.

"we're here, I guess this is your friend" Evie said and I looked at her and besides her.

Katie stood there with the biggest smile ever.
Oh my gosh.

My eyes filled with tears and I got ip fastly and hugged her.

"oh my god Katie I can't believe it"I said in the hug. We stood there hugging for many minutes, sobbing and rock to the side because we were joking and hugging for a long time.

"oh my god im the happiest bestfriend ever right now" Katie said and wiped away her tear.

"bitch same" I said and we laughed while wiping away our tears.

I turned around to Evie and her husband who stood there, smiling. They had took out my luggage.

"thank you so much. You guys are the best and kindest. I will never forget this or you guys. Thank you again" I said and Evie pulled me in for a hug.

"no problem my dear. Love is love. thank you for being a sweetheart. Go find that boy" Evie said and clapped my back.

I smiled before I gave her husband a hug.

"thank you for driving me for hours" I said and we laughed.

"no problem, we were going this way aswell. I promise, running away was me and Evie's best desicion, make it your best too" he said.
I pulled away and smiled.

"thank you again. I hope we'll meet each other one more time. I'll never forget you guys!" I said and smiled while taking my luggage.

"of course dear. We have each others numbers. Live your greatest life, you deserve it!" she said and waved.

They got in the car and me and Katie waved until they were out of sight.

I took a deep breath and smiled after them.
I wish them all the best.

I looked to my side and smiled at Katie.

"im the happiest person in my life" I said.

"right now, me too" she said. I clapped her shoulder and took my luggage.
"but you'll be happier" she said.

"how?" I asked, laughing.

"I have a little suprise for you inside" she said and smiled.

"okay" I answered laughing.

We walked inside and I took off my jacket and shoes. "im so happy to be here and far away from my mom"

"im so happy you're here bitch, it was a living hell without you for everyone, especially the way you left"

"ugh it was a nightmare everyday for two weeks"

we left my luggage in the hallway and walked inside. Katie took me to her room, and thats when I freaked out.

He sat there

on her bed.

with a big smile on his face.

My heart was beating really fuxking fast.

I ran to him and jumped on him so he fell bakwards on the bed. We both were laughing and more tears left my eyes from hapiness.

"mattia oh my fucking gosh I missed you babyyy" I said and inhaled his good scent.

"I missed you too baby, so fucking much. I need you by my side" he said, stroking my hair while I still layed on tip of him and we were hugging.

 I need you by my side" he said, stroking my hair while I still layed on tip of him and we were hugging

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I pulled away and sat down beside him.
I wiped away my tears and laughed, Katie laughed too.

"you guys are the sweetest I've ever seen" she said.
"we need to celebrate that this bitch is back" Katie added.

Mattia and I laughed.
"damn right we do" Mattia said.

Katie sat down aswell.

"so, where do I start, I'll start when mom and Giacomo stormed in in our room right before me and Mattia was kissing".

They both looked interestwd in hearing me telling about my nightmare weeks.

I telled them everything about how mom took my phone, how I was locked inside in two weeks, depressed.

I also telled them about how I met Evie, how she told me about her experience when sje was young, and how we planned this; me escaping.

"wow" Katie said.
"yeah wow" Mattia said too.

"well im here now, and Im happier than ever. I'll do everything to not go back. I need to figure something out and where Im going to live and find a job" I said.

"well you can stay here for a long time" Katie said.

"thank you, but I can't stay here forever, your parents wouldn't let me".

"I can fix a hotelroom for you aswell, with Benjamin's help, until we find another solution" Mattia said.

I nodded and grabbed their hands.
"thank you guys".

"should we invite the boys?" Katie asked.
I nodded, I missed them as fuck.

"what about school though?" Mattia asked.

oh shit, another thing to worry about

"ugh, I want to go but like, if I go, they'll probably tell mom"

"that's true, but also you need to go to a school somehow" Katie answered.

"let's talk about it later. I just want to enjoy this moment right now" Mattia said and put his arms around me and layed us down.

I laughed and layed my head on his chest, listening to his beautiful heartbeat.

this book is probably coming to an end😗✌🏼

but check out my badboy story save your tears😾👩🏽‍🦯

♡ stepbrother; Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now